Post Your Workout


Rokslide Sponsor
Mar 8, 2012
One of the things that helped me tremendously at the gym was actually keeping track of my workouts. The first few years of training it was easy because it was a class in HS, and then became part of my courses in college. My first couple of years out of college I got lazy and quit tracking the workout plan, and as a result overworked one week, and would underwork the next.

Lets post the weight/cardio workouts we are doing and see what helpful stuff we can learn. I will post mine by the end of the day.
Crossfit WOD is my workout. No "routine" Constance variance. I do concentrate on olympic lifting 2 times a week though...

Cleans and overhead squats.

Jerks and deadlifts.

Squats and snatches.

I'll work those 2 lifts in pairs each time I concentrate on oly lifting.
I've cycled through this program at least a half dozen times, maybe more. I like the lifts, I like the weight, I like the reps. I guess I just like pretty much all of it. I try and leave all my lifting routines up to the professionals. They know way more than I do about creating a program.

I have greatly increased my running in the last 2 years or so and especially the last 6 months. I will run anywhere from 6-8 miles on non lift days and every now and then throw in a 12-15 miler.
I am a runner I will log 6-8 miles a day 5 days a week and throw in a 10 miler every now and again. I can see my sheep unit from my running route talk about motivation. I keep a spread sheet and track my distance, time, carbs, and calories during my run. To help with this I use the app map my run.
My new workout is the Wendler 5/3/1.
Me and a few friends went together on the book and workout. I have had really.good results strength wise so far with it. If anybody is interested in some real strength training and free weights i am willing to help out...
I have the e-book and have been through a few cycles of it.

Jim Wendler 5/3/1
2-4 days a week
45 to 60 min workout
My Workout is:

Morning: 6-8 mile run
Afternoon: Lap Swimming for 30 minutes, plus some Sprints or Cycling (M, W, & F only)
Evening: Ruck with a 75 pound pack around the park for 60 minutes (up-&-down stairs Tu & Th) & end the day with P90X.

Saturday: P90X and 90+ minute run weeks 1 & 3 and 90+ rucks with a 75 pound pack weeks 2 & 4.
Sunday: 90+ minute run weeks 1 & 3 and 90+ rucks with a 75 pound pack weeks 2 & 4.
"I like to try and get out onto some actual trails when the weather is convenient."

Every 5th week is a recovery week where I take it easy and I also repeat Phase 3 of P90X every 5 weeks. I'm only in the 3rd week of starting this program I through together, so I'm hoping it produces great results for backpacking/hunting the backcountry. I'm not going to lie, it is very time consuming, but it is also for preparing me for the USAF SERE Specialist School.

Love to hear any thoughts on it and any ideas on how to improve it.

Thank You,
My work outs go something like this:
Monday morning - 3 mile run about 30 minutes nice easy pace. Monday lunch Shoulders /back and abs at the gym.

Tuesday morning - 3 mile run about 30 minutes nice easy pace. Tuesday lunch chest /abs at the gym.

Wednesday morning - harder run with right now about 3.5 miles in 30 minutes. first 3 miles in 24 minutes, still building up from knee being scoped 8 weeks ago. Wednesday lunch legs and abs at the gym.

Thursday morning - wind sprints 40-80 yard dashes, 20-30 seconds rest between. Usually do 30-40 minutes total time. Thursday lunch arms/abs at the gym.

Friday morning - 30 minute run/walk, this is a recovery day and no real pace to it just more of a getting the blood to flow. Friday lunch no gym.

Saturday morning - since there are no mountains here in Houston i go to the high school stadium and climb the metal mountain. The bleachers have 27 seating rows.

Sunday total day of rest.

will be adding more miles to the runs here soon.

I do the P90X DVD series together with my wife at home. With kids, their homework and all it has been nice to be able to do something together at home with my wife as a couple after work. When we stay consistent with the program and don't go off kilter in our eating, the program works for us.

Other than that I take a break at lunch, rain or shine during the work week and take a couple mile brisk hike. When it's not raining, I add a weighted pack with 50 pounds. I do it more so to get used to carrying weight on my back, waist and shoulders. Carrying that weighted pack on a regular basis has made it a lot more comfortable when I go backpacking.
I am going to post mine in phases:

I am slowly acquiring my own stuff for working out at home. So my equipment is limited to a bench, 45lb, 35lb, 25lb plates and two 30lb dumbells. My gym membership was $40 a month and for the amount of bodyweight exercise that I do, I realized if I used this money for equipment at home I could eventually save more cash for gear....

Monday was:
1 Mile warm up run
3x20 30lb DB bench
3x10 feet elevated on bench pushups
3x10 Pushups with body elevated(works the same as decline bench)
3 sets of Plates used for Tricep Extensions
3x15 30lb Seated Tricep Extensions
3x15 Dips with feet elevated(plan to use the 35lb plate next week)
3x20 Flys with 1 gallon water jugs

Evening Cardio:
3 mile hike with 50lb pack.
1.6 mile walk with the wife

Will post yesterdays tomorrow.
My new workout is the Wendler 5/3/1.
Me and a few friends went together on the book and workout. I have had really.good results strength wise so far with it. If anybody is interested in some real strength training and free weights i am willing to help out...
I have the e-book and have been through a few cycles of it.

Jim Wendler 5/3/1
2-4 days a week
45 to 60 min workout

that 5/3/1 is a top knotch routine. Good choice!

There is so much to be said for picking a professionally built program and sticking to it. Another one of my favorites is Starr's 5x5. I love the 5x5 programs.
Crossfit main site and everyonce in a while crossfit football. Try to add bench, weighted dips, assisted muscle ups, etc. once a week.

Today's was 3 rounds of 800m run, 50 back extension and 50 sit ups.

Yesterday's was 50# squat clean and hand stand push ups for sets of 21-15-9 followed by a 5 Rep max on bench.
Here is my weekly routine
Monday: lift weights for 1 hr. upper body
Tuesday: run 5.5 miles
Wednesday: hike 5 miles with 40 lb. pack
Thursday: run 5.5 miles
Friday: spin/cycling class 1 hr.
Saturday: rest
Sunday: hike 10 miles with a 2500ft. ascent and 40 lb. pack
Hopefully it is enough for my 8 mile deeep backcountry hunt in august. I only want to make one pack out trip on my archery mule deer hunt. I'm sure I'll have to stop and rest every half of an hour
Originally Posted by sanchomaes
My new workout is the Wendler 5/3/1.
Me and a few friends went together on the book and workout. I have had really.good results strength wise so far with it. If anybody is interested in some real strength training and free weights i am willing to help out...
I have the e-book and have been through a few cycles of it.

Jim Wendler 5/3/1
2-4 days a week
45 to 60 min workout
that 5/3/1 is a top knotch routine. Good choice!

There is so much to be said for picking a professionally built program and sticking to it. Another one of my favorites is Starr's 5x5. I love the 5x5 programs.


This workout has definately worked for me. I have read over the book time and time again. There are several options for workouts to go with in this book. I love it so far. I am doing what Wendler calls the Triumverate workout. It is heavy lifting for all of the "big lifts" and higher reps for the auxillary lifts. He seems to teach with a solid mindset and instills the mentality through the workout. I do not want to be marginal at anything and the 5/3/1 seems to make me stronger mentally. We all know that is such a big factor in everything we do!
My gym time is built around functional exercises and out of the gym, its running and cycling.

Mon-Chest and Triceps ie Assorted Bench, assorted tri exercises.

Wed-Biceps and back ie Assorted bicep and back exercises.

Fri-Bulk body ie Deadlifts and squats.

Although it may sound vain, I have found the best way to measure progress is by taking photos of target muscle groups before a 6 week set and then compare with more pics at the end of the 6 weeks before a week of rest, you can then see that all that sweat has actually worked.
Although it may sound vain, I have found the best way to measure progress is by taking photos of target muscle groups before a 6 week set and then compare with more pics at the end of the 6 weeks before a week of rest, you can then see that all that sweat has actually worked.

While it may sound vain, you're right, it does work. Before/after pics of yourself can kinda shock you when you look at them. You don't notice the gradual changes your body makes until you look back. Whether that's for weight loss or realizing your legs really did get jacked from all the squats.
I appreciate the lovely Information which you have posted . It is in fact an amazing and which is not only helpful for me but also would be helpful for all over here . I was searching for such information . In addition i would say I have yet to start my workout at Gym from next month thus would post my workout after that but i also have found it fruitful for me .
Hmmm, I tipped the scales at darn near 300 lbs a few weeks ago and figured that was probably enough winter weight so I cut back on empty carbs. Down to about 275 now and will start a hiking routine with light weight next week and notch it up a bit on the weight and distance every week for the next 7. I am generally to big to do much high impact stuff and find that for me backpacking is the best way to get in shape for backpacking. I have buddies that swear by squats but I am wary of putting that pressure on my knees.

Sheep season is just around the corner!