what energy gels/snackshydration supplements are you using?

I usually eat a wide variety of things so I don't get bored, but my current favorites in my pack are Honey Stinger waffles, Cliff Blocks and Cliff Builders. Trail mix with m&m's is also a staple (the big bag from Costco).
Honey Stinger gels/chews are delicious. Also fan of the honey stinger protein bars. Will have a waffle from time to time but they tend to be on the sweet side for me.
What drink supplements do you guys use? I'll most likely get some waffles clif bars and some chews but I'm up in the air on the drinks. I used nuun last year

I tried some "MioEnergy" drink drops last weekend.... bad idea! Felt like I'd shotgun'd a redbull, threw in a cope dip, smoked a cig and drank a cup of coffee at the same time! So at least theres one thing to stay away from :)
I tried some "MioEnergy" drink drops last weekend.... bad idea! Felt like I'd shotgun'd a redbull, threw in a cope dip, smoked a cig and drank a cup of coffee at the same time! So at least theres one thing to stay away from :)
might be a go-to if i put an elk down a little too far from the road... ;)
I love the regular Clif bars although they don't quite pack as many calories as I like. I too have used the Clif builders and like them...but, if its going to be very hot don't buy the chocolate coated ones..melted mess. And if its going to be pretty cold either put them in your pocket to warm up well before you want to eat it, or else you're going to look like a dog chewing on a rawhide trying to eat the thing. I've found that the MetRx Big Colossal Brownie packs a ton of calories, tastes good and works better for me in cold weather...not as hard to chew.
We eat a lot of GUs. I recently discovered the blackberry or strawberry flavor make a nice "jelly" substitute when eating peanut butter pitas or tortillas :)

Otherwise, snacks are usually a mix of cliff bars, snickers, larabars, nuts, and peanut butter filled pretzels.
for a quick energy source I pretty much love all of the hammer gel flavors. During my recent trip I always found I was digging for that ziplock with the mixed nuts in it. I think I was needing the sodium. I'm currently looking into these as something to be taken "as required".

Otherwise for trail food, fresh fruit, Justin's nut butters, maybe some cliff bars, other protein bars, water water water. Every now and then I'll make a sandwich but those don't hold up that well.
might be a go-to if i put an elk down a little too far from the road... ;)

For the first ten minutes preppin for that morning hike, my body felt like it was about to start sweating, very warm....etc 5 minutes into our hike straight up an avalanche chute I was feeling like a rockstar... might be something there afterall! lol

For the first ten minutes preppin for that morning hike, my body felt like it was about to start sweating, very warm....etc 5 minutes into our hike straight up an avalanche chute I was feeling like a rockstar... might be something there afterall! lol


put it in a pocket in my pack, its like a fireaxe, break glass in case of emergency
For my long trail runs and hunts:
I always carry 2- 5 hour energy bottles. Haven't used them yet except on long drives.
Got some outdated "Second surge" gels from my running store. 100 mg of caffeine, espresso flavor.
Honey Stinger waffles give me something more in mah belly...
Roctane from Gu is the real deal but certainly more expensive gels
Clif Bars are pretty durable in the pack.
Detour bars are more Candy-esque. but heat succeptible

Many of my Trail ultra running training partners are using Dates, and another food based gel product that I can't remember the name of. actually in a resealable container. I'll check it out more...
What drink supplements do you guys use? I'll most likely get some waffles clif bars and some chews but I'm up in the air on the drinks. I used nuun last year

I have used Wilderness Athlete (both Hydrate & Recover and Energy & Focus), Hammer Heed and good old Emergin-C. All are good and I expecially like mixing the two Wilderness Athlete flavors together. If you use this stuff in your hydration bladder be sure to clean it out regularly. Otherwise it gets gross pretty quick.
I live on a variety of these items and over the years they have come along way! I'm currently liking;
Honey Stinger Waffles and shots, these are great!
Hammer gel Montana Hucklebery. A good change on chocolate
GU Shots Vanilla and Orange
ProBars Berry Blast...

I go to REI and if you buy 12 I believe you get 10% off.
Ross reminded me...

Sometimes those Clif Shot Bloks really hit the spot...usually when my tummy is getting squirrelly. Margarita and orange are my go to's.

Also the Jelly Belly Sport Beans are nice and salty and sweet on a early season hunt. plenty of flavor variety.