Any recomendations for solar power


Apr 28, 2012
New London, WI
I'm in the market for a solar panel to be used while backpacking. The main objective would be to charge a GPS, MP3 player, AA or AAA batteries or similar device. Not all at once of course but one a time.

I've just started the research and Goal Zero stuff keeps coming up. Anyone use this stuff? I know Brunton makes some stuff too. I have some worldly travels in the works and a solar power source of some kind will be a must have.
Id also look at the battery pack option. Alot of battery packs out there that will store enough energy to charge your phone or what not for a few days. Then you dont have to dink around with a solar pannel.
We have a Solio charger, but haven't had much chance to use it. Mainly plan to use it to recharge iPod or iPhone. We are doing a fly in sheep hunt in August where we may potentially be in the field nearly three weeks, and I would like the ability to take some audio books along in case we get weathered in :)
This particular model was attractive to me because it can be fully charged at home via USB, and then recharged or topped off via sunlight once in the field. The spec sheet claims a full recharge from 12 hours of sunlight and 24-48 hours of overcast skies. I am planning to take it along on a couple trips we have upcoming, and then I will try to do more of a review.
Thanks Becca, that's a good option and I'll have to look into those alittle more. Being able to take something already charged and then just let it top off weather/sunny skies permitting would be great.

I don't think I'd want just a power pack or battery pack. I like the idea of solar, it's free and always there even when overcast.
I am planning on purchasing the Goal Zero Nomad 13.5 for use on our backcountry Bob Marshall trip this fall. Hopefully, it will work well recharging my FX-1000, Go Pro, and HV30 batteries. They look promising!