Search results

  1. D

    Want to hunt and camp in Alaska. Start reading.
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    Puffy pants

    Get the 2.5 nunatuks you'll be happy with them, I have a pair and they are top notch.
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    Hyperlite Mountain Gear Packs?

    I have one of their packs cant remember if its a 3400 or 2400, either way Ive been using it all winter for ski touring, bird and predator hunting trips for the last 5 years. It has stays so it holds its shape fine and carries moderate weights fine imo even without the belt which I rarely use...
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    Kowa 663 vs 663M

    If i remember correctly the differences are color and an added coating on the objective lens. I paid 275 for the 9z eye piece and 550 for for 663m body multiple years ago.
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    Need clothing advice for Arctic hunting trip!

    You'll be fine with what you have.
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    Any truth?

    I do enjoy the fat F "sheepdogs" denouncing BRCC for financially supporting a democrat and not standing behind or supporting someone in the process of a highly propagandized legal battle. Heres Evans response in case your google doesn't work:
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    Insulated mountaineering boot

    la sportiva Nepals might work for you.
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    MSR Windburner fuel consumption AK drop hunt

    4 8oz cans should be fine, I certainly wouldn't bring less.
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    Barneys Freighter pack question

    ^^A couple short NRS straps work well.
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    Unit 23/Kotzebue

    Ive been flying in and out of Kotz all summer and into this fall. Every interaction with locals has been pleasant thus far. I make a point to walk through the whole town during my layovers as well and don't plan on stopping. Being outwardly friendly goes a long way with strangers fwiw. On my...
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    Kodiak Alpine Lakes

    Call the flight service with a map in front of you, explain where it is and they will tell you yes or no as far accessibility and maybe make suggestions for nearby lakes. Seems like an odd way to go about it, but it has worked for me in the past.
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    Ill do it 2 ways depending how I feel. First way is just yank the guts out and leave the bird whole for processing later (helps cool the bird quick and will hang in mild temps for a long while without spoiling). Or if i'm going to eat it relatively soon Ill just expose the breast, fillet the...
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    Rotten Death Smell

    When mine gets saturated like that I use dish soap and cold water. Just wash, rinse and repeat, soak if necessary bag and frame together,I use a big cooler (120qt+) so noneed to use the tub in the house.
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    Bringing a sheep as a carry on

    Saw a guy with one at the Anchorage airport yesterday...
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    Food storage?

    I keep my food in a big dry bag in the tent with me. And I put my sheep close to me as well unless I can find a big ledge to hang it off of.
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    Obenaufs heavy duty LP leather preservative.

    Everyone has their own preference, I have and still occasionally use obenaufs but mainly use Sno Seal now.
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    Favorite food

    Dried fish strips, jerky and cheese with a protien/candy bar are my go too lunch snack.
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    Cost to thread barrel

    I've been quoted 150 to 225 at various smiths locally to me.
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    Pack comfort

    It should be "comfortable", meaning it shouldn't be sagging pulling you backwards, the belt should not have to be so tight its cutting off circulation to not slip, the belt or lumbar pad should not be bruising or wearing holes in your skin. It took me a while to find a pack that doesn't do any...
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    Covid-19 Alaska

    As of an hour ago mandatory re-testing in KOTZ is not true as long as you tested in AK within 48hrs. A buddy who tested in Anchorage yesterday just landed in Kotz, signed his declaration form, showed his negative results and went on his way.