Food storage?


Jun 16, 2019
Just wondering what kind of precautions you guys take with food storage and bears. Sleep with it? Stash it away from camp? Bring a bear canister? Having a can seems kinda pointless if you get a sheep. Being way above tree line hanging it isn’t an option. Thanks in advance.
I keep my food in a big dry bag in the tent with me. And I put my sheep close to me as well unless I can find a big ledge to hang it off of.
In ak i put my food 50 feet away in a white plastic bag an easy shot out the front of the tent if i hear anything. If out of bear country just leave in tent cause all food sealed and no bears anyway.
My son and I just had some issues with a ground squirrel while sheep hunting outside Tok. Damn thing tore into our tent three separate times while we were out hunting for the day. We had our food in a dry bag inside the tent and it got into that also. It also put holes in a couple platypus containers and chewed up our TP. My son finally shot the dang thing the last day of our hunt!
Food in dry bag inside my tent, meat in vestibule. Usually my tent moves with me each day, so the food does as well.
My son and I just had some issues with a ground squirrel while sheep hunting outside Tok. Damn thing tore into our tent three separate times while we were out hunting for the day. We had our food in a dry bag inside the tent and it got into that also. It also put holes in a couple platypus containers and chewed up our TP. My son finally shot the dang thing the last day of our hunt!
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I was wondering if someone would mention squirrels. I haven't had issues with them while hunting, but have backpacking and fishing where the squirrels see people more often.

Rotten little buggers.

I've had the same question. So, you all don't worry about bears basically and keep your food and sheep reasonably close to camp (maybe just with a good view of it from the tent opening?