Kodiak Alpine Lakes


Dec 28, 2015
Albany Missouri
Planning to go back to Kodiak next August for an alpine deer hunt after getting spanked last year.

For the guys who have done these hunts before, how do you find a lake to hunt? Sounds like a silly question I know, but the problem is that none of the lakes are named. At least officially, I'm sure the pilots have nicknames for most of them but its hard to research nicknames.
So I look around and find a lake that seems to look good, next step find out if its plane accessible. Hard to ask a pilot about a lake that I don't know the name of .
Do most guys just show up and say " take me to an alpine lake where the deer are"?? Probably be the easiest and smartest thing to do I guess but it sure is nice to be somewhat familiar with where you are going.

Any advice would be appreciated!
You could give gps coordinates to the pilot and they should be able to tell you if they’ll fly there?
Having flown over Kodiak a few times, i believe a lot of those high lakes are not large enough to land a plane on. Might be why they do not have names?
Call the flight service with a map in front of you, explain where it is and they will tell you yes or no as far accessibility and maybe make suggestions for nearby lakes. Seems like an odd way to go about it, but it has worked for me in the past.