Search results

  1. H

    Handgun Bullets For Hunting NA

    I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a bear with an XTP bullet. That is what I carry in my .45 Colt when hunting bear country. I have also killed a handful of black bears, including one that went over 350lbs, with XTP bullets in 35, 44, and 45 caliber.
  2. H

    Lead ingestion health risks

    I would like to remind you that the First Amendment doesn't apply here. This is a privately owned Forum and you are a guest here. Either you follow the rules as laid out, and linked by eric, or you will eventually be told to leave.
  3. H

    223, 223AI, or 22 ARC? Which one?

    I am an AI looney, so that would be my vote. Much more available brass, ability to still shoot factory ammo (albeit at a lower velocity than if shot out of a standard chamber), not having to trim brass nearly as much (a HUGE plus in my book), and not having to mess around with your bolt. The 22...
  4. H

    Is There Ever a Time to Hunt with Magnum Calibers?

    Hey now! Everybody knows that you get a free Taylor Swift album with every purchase of a Tikka chambered in .223 or 6.5 Creed! Why do you think I keep buying them?!?!
  5. H

    newb question: shortened barrels and velocity

    I would borrow (or better yet buy) a chronograph and determine what your actual velocity is.
  6. H

    What is YOUR Small Caliber on Big Game Experience?

    The 73 grain ELDMs are more than adequate when pushed out of a gas gun. There are a couple of companies that are loading 77 TMKs (ACC and Black Hills), but they are not as readily available and if you have a general mil-spec barrel, they may not shoot as well. I have seen some really nice...
  7. H

    Preferred Barrels Carbon Thoughts?

    Great looking rig! I have a pretty high confidence level that it is going to shoot to your level of satisfaction. I am a big fan of PBB and MGM.
  8. H

    McMillan Mountain Tracker LR - Tikka T3 Dev Project

    I am rebarreling as well, but I really like the D-18 profile, so I am replacing with that contour as well.
  9. H

    Handgun Bullets For Hunting NA

    Missed this one on the first go-round. I have killed more animals with Hornady XTP bullets than any other handgun bullet, hands down. Well over 150 whitetails and hogs to the 240 grain .44 cal XTP. These were shot saboted out of a muzzleloader, from a .44 Mag Contender, a .44 Mag Redhawk, or...
  10. H

    McMillan Mountain Tracker LR - Tikka T3 Dev Project

    For me it will be 1) Carbon, 2) HLS Camo Dark Pine or Woodland as my action and barrel are burnt bronze 3) D-18 barrel contour
  11. H

    Lead ingestion health risks

    10.5 year Navy submarine veteran Bachelors Degree in Nuclear Engineering, minor in Chemistry Masters Degree in Quality Assurance focused on Statistical Process Control Started working on my PhD in physics but changed careers and moved in another direction, plus not that interested in Acedemic...
  12. H

    Lead ingestion health risks

    Dude, you can't even make a coherent argument. I have read all of those studies and it is clear from your comments that I also understand them quite better than you do. Anytime you wish to post up your bone fides regarding your ability to understand 1) scientific studies, 2) chemistry, 3)...
  13. H

    Barrel channel size?

    I would to. To the OP, I like to have about a 1/16" gap on all sides of the barrel, so with a 0.850" diameter, I would use a 1" outside diameter socket. Not sure exactly what size socket that equates to in your set.
  14. H

    South Africa in 2026

    If Delta offers a Premium Economy option for the flight, that gives the most balance between cost and comfort. The Delta Comfort only gives you a tiny bit of legroom and the drinks are free. In Premium Economy, you get a seat that is similar to a domestic First Class seat (wider with better...
  15. H

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Some of us don't like those rattlely-ass magazines.
  16. H

    McMillan Mountain Tracker LR - Tikka T3 Dev Project

    While I like the Hard Edge schemes like the HEC1, I don't really think they add much over the HLS style for the extra $75 it costs to get it. I will probably end up spending that $$ to get carbon fiber rather than fiberglass.
  17. H

    At odds with elk rifle calibers

    The same Hornady who literally has a picture of an elk in the line description of that same bullet?
  18. H

    Lead ingestion health risks

    If ol' A4 had read the studies for himself and actually understood the results, he probably would have quit a while ago. See below for my parsing. Notice it says "risk exposure". Not that you will actually be exposed. They also didn't go so far as to actually quantify what the risk is in...
  19. H

    McMillan Mountain Tracker LR - Tikka T3 Dev Project

    Nope, the counter is gone for me. Most likely a cookie issue in your browser. I suppose we can expect to get some calls this week to place actual orders. I guess I need to think about what camo scheme I want.
  20. H

    Suppressor cover complaints/wish list

    Biggest complaint is that if it is easy to get on and off, it often moves during use.