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    Ultraview UV3xl se + HHA Tetra

    Hey, I appreciate your post. Same thing ended up happening, went to the shop I bought from, we still couldn't figure it out, called HHA and he told us to do what you said and it worked. Really gotta crank down on that wing nut.

    Ultraview UV3xl se + HHA Tetra

    Anyone experience this? I just bought the ultraview uv3 xl se and hha tetra max frame with the hha ultraview adapter. I get everything tightened up but there's still sloppy play in the scope/ rod. I can tilt it up/ down. I've followed idk how many setups to see if I missed something but...

    Glue in point vs. screw in

    Just an up date, yes I am on the weaker side for the spine, so went with the glue ins and they are grouping amazing down range.

    Glue in point vs. screw in

    I'm making some TAC arrows, Gold Tip Kinetic Pierce Platinum (a buddy was selling them cheap), and was thinking about putting glue in points in instead of running the ballistic collars. In anyone's experience, do you notice much difference in groupings between the 2 style of point systems?

    Thumb Button Spring

    Has anyone had issues with springs in their thumb buttons? I'm using the B3 Omega Mini, and have only had it for maybe 2.5 years. I love the release but lately seems like there's quite a bit of play in the trigger now and not as crisp as it once was. I understand it's a spring and may compress...

    29" Bow - 29" Draw Success Stories

    I'm a 29" draw and shooting the Phase 4 29. It's stellar. No issues with peep sight, I'm running the Hamskea Raptor peep 1/4. Before the Phase 4, I was shooting a VXR 28, it was even a sharper string angle but never an issue.

    Experiences with B3 Sight

    I'm in the market for a new sight this year, and am interested in the B3 Exact Rize Hunter (bridge lock bar). Has anyone had any experience with this sight, what you liked, disliked? Thanks!

    Super tuning

    I appreciate the advise all, I was able to get bullet holes when I lowered the rest. I didn't bareshaft tune because I'm running the same arrows I had with VXR. I am checking my cam timing from a draw board. I understand there's no super tune, it is just a title for the thread. Thanks all!

    Super tuning

    Alright, what’s everyone opinion! I went from VXR 28 to the Phase 4 29, I tune my bows, I had the VXR dialed in. I can’t say the same for the Phase 4. I’ve gone over everything, center shot is lined up, nock point is in the right spot, cam timing is spot on, arrow spine is right. I can’t get a...
  10. RYBOWS

    Mathews Integrate

    Beauty thanks, that’s what I was hoping for was just having to break it in.
  11. RYBOWS

    Mathews Integrate

    I just bought a Mathews Phase 4, it was suppose to be the bow shop's demo but due to limited supply they were able to sell me that one. It came with a Mathews Integrate already on it, it has never been shot or anything. Has anyone ever had that rest that was sticky? It's like the launcher spring...