29" Bow - 29" Draw Success Stories


Jun 25, 2021
Guys, I am tempted to get a 29 inch bow at 29 inch draw but have some concerns about string angle. I shot a 29 inch and a 33 inch and they felt similar but they were right handed bow ( I am a lefty) and they weren't fully set up for me. I can google and find plenty of people that say to go longer. I am looking for a few people with 29 inch or longer draws to say they aren't having issues seeing thru peep at dusk and dawn. Give me some confidence going with my first bow shorter than 34". Or tell me I am crazy. Thanks
I'm a 29" draw and shooting the Phase 4 29. It's stellar. No issues with peep sight, I'm running the Hamskea Raptor peep 1/4. Before the Phase 4, I was shooting a VXR 28, it was even a sharper string angle but never an issue.
I guess my question would be why you are looking for a 29" ATA. For some it's benefital in blinds, etc. For out west I don't see a reason to go below 31" at that draw. That'd just me though.

At 30" even a 31 the string angle isn't great.
Good question. I do hunt turkeys out of a blind so a shorter bow might help. I like to keep my stands fairly concealed and don't trim as much as I feel is the norm. It's my own fault but I have hit my limb twice shooting at deer but that's over 36 years of hunting so not a really big problem. I have a drenalin now which is super light and all these long risered bows seem so heavy in comparison. By going shorter the weight would be reduced slightly. Absolutely no reason to 100% choose a short bow but I am considering it. Thanks
I shoot 28” and can’t stand my 31” bow after coming from a 33” bow. Had to lengthen my draw by 1/2” and add a nose button to use the same reference points at anchor.