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    Everyone is being Brainwashed- Jocko Willink

    He’s an actual liberal - still believes in freedom of speech, press, suspicious of “the man” etc. We definitely disagree on much politically, but he is a strong voice of sanity and accountability amongst the noise out there
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    Everyone is being Brainwashed- Jocko Willink

    Unfortunately it looks like vaxx is worthless at best - harmful at worst.
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    Under spined but flying great??

    Yes. First shot with BH was dead nuts. Shot two more arrows - one BH, one FP and they hit in dang near the same hole. That’s what the picture is showing.
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    Under spined but flying great??

    Haha. Point taken. What should I be focused on?
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    Under spined but flying great??

    A 125gr TOTA 4 blade V series was nowhere close to this.
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    Under spined but flying great??

    Here’s what a 150 grain Day Six BH and 125 grain FP (I don’t have 150s) look like at 20 yards. What next, other than step back to 30,40, 50, etc?
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    Under spined but flying great??

    Question for you Mathews V3 shooters: I though I was borderline under spined with my current set up: 30.5 DL, 70 pound limbs maxed, Easton Axis 5mm Match Grade 300 spine at 29” carbon to carbon, standard inserts, 125 grain heads. Was testing broadheads today and found that 150 grain Day Six...
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    UV Button

    This is where I am. UV hits slightly left of the N2I for me - what's the difference for you?