Everyone is being Brainwashed- Jocko Willink

On the topic of brainwashing: I am currently reading this, and highly recommend it!
I don't know this guys politics, but he exposes a lot of what anyone with common sense already knows. He does not deny coivd is real, as I don't. Covers a lot about the "fear", ie, brainwashing that lead people to "follow the science".
He’s an actual liberal - still believes in freedom of speech, press, suspicious of “the man” etc. We definitely disagree on much politically, but he is a strong voice of sanity and accountability amongst the noise out there
Jocko's "Extreme Ownership" is required reading for up-and-coming leaders in my organization. It should probably be required reading for humans. His messages have always struck me as primarily positive, and focused on self-improvement and accountability. I appreciate what he has to say, and agree that he is a positive role model, and if he is an "influencer" (which apparently everyone is these days), at least he is a positive one.
I can't comment on Jocko as a person because I don't know him personally. He could be the nicest guy ever or a total a-hole.

As far as his podcast goes, I've listened to it occasionally but not every episode. I was never in the military so doesn't really speak to me that much. I do enjoy his leadership ideals, bluntness of his opinions, and respect his dedication to staying fit, healthy, and service to our country. Like him or not, there's definitely a hell of a lot of other podcasters out there that are worse to listen to.

Ingest his ideologies, buy his clothing, or support his cause is a personal decision. For me, he's definitely worth an hour or so listen while in the car or getting mundane work done, but that's about it. He ranks up there with 4-5 other podcasts and YouTube channels I occasionally tune into.
Have you actually listened to him speak? He's a positive voice for people who have served in the military. You want positive male role models to go away? Hollywood Dbags have been influencing our society forever. They had absolute control over everything. Now anyone can be heard. I love it that real masculine, successful men have a following. Some kids don't have anyone to look up to and thank God these men are there. Here's some "disrespectful whoredom" from Jocko about Memorial Day.

Yes. In small amounts. There are very few people on this earth I’m willing to listen to for an hour. And that only happens on Sundays. I have little to no interest in podcasts, period. I don’t have the attention span, nor interest. I’m especially not interested in self help topics. I do that in other ways, usually outdoors.

I realize I’m painting with a broad brush. Jocko may be an inspiration for some and that’s fine. I’m talking about all these people and their collective total human impact. Maybe that’s unfair, but as a lot, I think society would do better without all of it. It’s bordering on false idol worship, for money. Convincing people to click for dollars is not healthy in my view, regardless of the subject matter.
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Jocko encourages individual thinking and self-motivation. I'm not even sure he has let his politics be known. I listen to his podcast and purchase some of his goods. His podcast is one of the best out there for topics that interest me. I get his podcast for free so I have no issue supporting him through his products which are good on their own. I cant think of anything I've heard from him that would make me stop listening. Extreme Ownership should be read in high school.
Jocko's "Extreme Ownership" is required reading for up-and-coming leaders in my organization. It should probably be required reading for humans. His messages have always struck me as primarily positive, and focused on self-improvement and accountability. I appreciate what he has to say, and agree that he is a positive role model, and if he is an "influencer" (which apparently everyone is these days), at least he is a positive one.

Yeah, well said and the reason I posted it.

It appears all the the massive barrage of internet and podcasts has done is to make some of us grumpy- I get that too.

But comparing this Jocko stuff to something like a Hunting Public/ Ranch Fairy yucking it up youtube special just isn’t apples to apples.