Everyone is being Brainwashed- Jocko Willink

I dont follow much of his content. I do admire his work ethic/discipline. Origin does make a waaaay better pair of jeans than the made in USA Levis...
“You become what you give your attention to. If you yourself do not choose what thoughts and images you expose yourself to, someone else will”
- Epictetus

Being brainwashed by others is as old as humanity. Tribalism, being wary of outsiders, hypervigilance to threats, pleasure seeking; these traits that have allowed us to thrive as a species are used against us for the personal gain of few. Social media and media in general is extremely addictive by design. There is no way this will change unless people stop clicking. It’s a vicious cycle.
Just seems like people can’t think for themselves. They have to have information spoonfed to them, and if they don’t agree with it then they just close off their minds and ignore the facts.
It’s not just this message, which in and of itself is not bad, it’s the whole persona, the “personal branding” that is off putting, imo.
Ok ,Agreed...it does seem to be the new norm.
Back when I was a kid, the guys that could do it ...din't blab about it. Now....a guy does his first backpack hunt or Skydive...or what ever...and he forms a podcast around it.
Ok ,Agreed...it does seem to be the new norm.
Back when I was a kid, the guys that could do it ...din't blab about it. Now....a guy does his first backpack hunt or Skydive...or what ever...and he forms a podcast around it.
Bingo! Yes, exactly.
Its clear to me that the people hating on Jocko have no idea who he is or what he does or what his business' are.

Jocko is not an "Influencer". Just because someone has social media and is famous doesn't make them an "influencer".

Jocko is an author, owns a leadership consulting company, owns a made in the US clothing company and hosts a podcast that takes no advertisements, interviewing veterans and leaders.

One of the most genuine "famous" people out there.

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Its clear to me that the people hating on Jocko have no idea who he is or what he does or what his business' are.

Jocko is not an "Influencer". Just because someone has social media and is famous doesn't make them an "influencer".

Jocko is an author, owns a leadership consulting company, owns a made in the US clothing company and hosts a podcast that takes no advertisements, interviewing veterans and leaders.

One of the most genuine "famous" people out there.

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I know exactly who he is and what he does.
I have nothing against these men personally. I have everything against the mere concept of an influencer and social media influence and anyone who allows these people to have any influence. It’s all toxic. And the irony about them preaching how toxic it is, while being an active participant in the toxicity, is laughable. It all needs to go away. These people need to get real jobs and fade back into obscurity. And the end user needs to stop clicking their mouse and feeding the dragon.

I also take issue with those who use their military service (which I value tremendously and have the utmost respect for) for personal gain and selfish notoriety. The Jockos and Andy’s of the world need to simply let history do the talking and not their big mouths. What about our Fathers who stormed the Mekong Delta and our Grandfathers charging the beach at Normandy? Did they profiteer their valiant service? No, they let honor speak for itself, as it should. Sure, you’ve carried the Big Stick, and for that I am eternally grateful, but now speak softly for goodness sake! These guys are screaming! I personally find the whoredom disrespectful and an affront to the US military.
I disagree with the part about our Grandfathers not trying to profit from it. Plenty of books were written by former service members about WWII and Vietnam. Different media, same concept.
Valid point. Duly noted.
Other than that, you pretty much covered my feelings. I do think some of the “influencers” are better than others but I struggle with it.

I can’t stand Jockos voice though.

I will add. I was bored the other night and was watching a bunch of @Jordan Budd videos on YouTube again. I am glad there are people like her putting stuff out there. If I ever have a little girl, at least I have someone to point to and say “be like her, not the other ones.”
I have nothing against these men personally. I have everything against the mere concept of an influencer and social media influence and anyone who allows these people to have any influence. It’s all toxic. And the irony about them preaching how toxic it is, while being an active participant in the toxicity, is laughable. It all needs to go away. These people need to get real jobs and fade back into obscurity. And the end user needs to stop clicking their mouse and feeding the dragon.

I also take issue with those who use their military service (which I value tremendously and have the utmost respect for) for personal gain and selfish notoriety. The Jockos and Andy’s of the world need to simply let history do the talking and not their big mouths. What about our Fathers who stormed the Mekong Delta and our Grandfathers charging the beach at Normandy? Did they profiteer their valiant service? No, they let honor speak for itself, as it should. Sure, you’ve carried the Big Stick, and for that I am eternally grateful, but now speak softly for goodness sake! These guys are screaming! I personally find the whoredom disrespectful and an affront to the US military.
Have you actually listened to him speak? He's a positive voice for people who have served in the military. You want positive male role models to go away? Hollywood Dbags have been influencing our society forever. They had absolute control over everything. Now anyone can be heard. I love it that real masculine, successful men have a following. Some kids don't have anyone to look up to and thank God these men are there. Here's some "disrespectful whoredom" from Jocko about Memorial Day.

I know exactly who he is and what he does.
I'm by no means trying to change your mind here. I could care less if you like Jocko or not.

It's just that what you are describing in your posts is the reasons you hate "Influencers" I also hate influencers. Jocko is not an Influencer. He's just a famous person who has social media.

What specifically about Jocko do you dislike? I'm genuinely curious, because I agree with most of what you have posted. However, Jocko isn't the type of character you are describing.

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You mean like believing a $2 cotton mask can stop microscopic virus particles? After seeing what happened with covid, I think we are doomed. People are still wearing masks and getting their 10th booster shot. Meanwhile I've been vaccinated and had covid 3x.
Unfortunately it looks like vaxx is worthless at best - harmful at worst.