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  1. W

    I know I'm opening a can of worms here, but new bow suggestions?

    I shot a bunch of bows this year to upgrade from my elite synergy. I ended up with the phase 4 33. I wanted a pse omen but got turned off by the amount of vibration it had, really wish I could've shot one fully set up to see if accessories would have gotten rid of that. Phase 4 holds well...
  2. W

    Which nock on release? Already have the nock 2 it

    I've tried the changing release thing and for me it's always a temporary fix. I switched from index to thumb and punched the thumb. Switched from thumb to hinge and dumped the hinge after the click. Almost quit archery, stopped caring where the arrow hits and just wanted to make good surprise...
  3. W

    Body Weight vs Draw Weight

    66lb @ 143bw. Was shooting 72 and dropped to work on form, decide and commit to what release I want to stick with, and enjoy shooting longer before fatiguing. Hopefully will be able to shoot 70+ as well as I do 66 now eventually,
  4. W

    Daughter going to college - Need to buy her a laptop…please help!

    I'm not techie, but I would say it depends somewhat on what she will be going to school for. I'm a heavy equipment mechanic and got through a 2 year community college program with a $200 chrome book or something I don't even know what it is. I still use it, but all I do is use it to occasionally...
  5. W

    Sold Hoyt Ventum 33 RH Nearly New

    This bow is sold
  6. W

    Sold Hoyt Ventum 33 RH Nearly New

    I have a Ventum 33 in elevated II that I picked up as a new old stock bow. Has less than 500 arrows through it. 70lb max limbs and the 26-29” mods currently. Has one small scratch on the inside of the upper limb that is shown in pictures. My first Hoyt and it doesn’t quite fit my style. Would...
  7. W

    Whats your threshold for pain?

    I'm new to any out of state hunting as in have never done any. I'm 24 and married but no kids and haven't done much besides work since I was still in high school. (probably why I hate working so much now). As far as cost goes I would spend as much as I could afford if I felt that the experience...
  8. W


    Am I missing the arrow saw in the photos?
  9. W

    Arrow weight

    So I once had a factory aluminum insert in a victory VFTKO (.246) hit rebar in a 3d target, it bent the insert significantly and damaged the end of the arrow. Now I have no idea what would have happened with a steel insert, it may have pushed the entire insert into the arrow. But after this I...
  10. W

    Quitting Alcohol

    I abused alcohol in high school and college, and used it as a crutch to deal with stress after that. A majority of my regrets in life involved alcohol. I realized that I don’t actually enjoy it and only wanted it when I was looking for a mental release. I haven’t had a drink since February 3rd...
  11. W

    Arrow weight

    Steel and titanium tend to be more durable. Brass and aluminum are soft. More often than not they are fine, but I have bent brass and aluminum inserts even in standard diameter arrows. I’m sure some have also bent steel or ti. Use what works for you and you’re confident in
  12. W

    Good index wrist strap?

    I have a Carter like mike 2. Went back to an index after shooting both a hinge and a thumb, for me it’s easier to consistently pull through the shot on an index set heavy with zero travel like you can on the Carter. Have heard good things about b3 hawk or Scott ghost I think it was for a few...
  13. W


    Thats awesome
  14. W


    I like helical. But the only reason I see to differentiate between right or left is if you clock how a bare shaft is coming out of your bow and pick helical to that direction to keep things always moving in the same direction. Personally I haven't done this and just went with right helical so I...
  15. W

    3 Vane Fletching max helical jigs

    Another vote for the ez fletch mini
  16. W

    How do you land on the grip or grip tape you use?

    I shoot an elite with stock grip which is the riser with side plates. However I get sweaty hands so it would slide around when it’s warm so I put grip tape on it. I just try to find what’s comfortable, naturally levels and doesn’t torque the bow, and is repeatable.
  17. W

    Budget range finder?

    I have a cheap 100$ halo range finder I’ve had for years. It reads 2 - 4 yards longer than my buddies vortex’s but my sight tape is made for mine so I guess it works. Readings get erratic on certain color 3d targets. Definitely gonna be one the next things to get upgraded.