Good index wrist strap?

I have a Carter like mike 2. Went back to an index after shooting both a hinge and a thumb, for me it’s easier to consistently pull through the shot on an index set heavy with zero travel like you can on the Carter. Have heard good things about b3 hawk or Scott ghost I think it was for a few cheaper options compared to the Carter.
I sure like the B3 Hawk with the adjustable nylon web attachment between the wrist strap and the head. My favorite release.
I didn’t like the BOA wrist strap. Seemed durable enough, but I just don’t like it any tighter than the buckle strap is. And the buckle strap just seemed less bulky like a long sleeve cuff could partially slide over it where it would probably just bunch up behind the boa. Strictly an opinion based on comfort, not performance.
Makes sense to me. That's what came to my mind after seeing the BOA strap.