Budget range finder?

+1 for a vortex ranger with a red display. I wouldn’t spend money on any of their other optics but for archery hunting it works great and is tough.
Picked up a 1400 leupold last year best $ 199 I’ve spent .
Great battery life, adjustable red lighting .

Ordered one of these today. I thought it’s worth a shot for the price. Read some good reviews and Athlon and Cameraland have both been very solid for me in the past.
When I can get it out and test function I’ll report back. Thanks to everyone for the info and help.

The link doesn’t seem to work. Here’s a screenshot.

I have a Leupold and it reads about 2 yards long. This won't matter if you sight in to it and only use it and not known yardage.

I sight in at a local range that has 10 to 80 yard accurately placed targets. When I shoot the 3D practice range, I have to add 2 yards to every reading or I shoot low. I have also compared it to a couple of friends rangefinders and come up with the same thing.

I am probably going to go with the Bushnell Broadhead archery specific as a replacement.
Tested the new Athlon yesterday against a trusted Bushnell. Both were within a yard of each other to 1265. The Bushnell seems to be more forgiving going through some brush to try and range a deer. It’s possible that I just need to get used to the new unit as well.
Way smaller than the Bushnell which is a big plus for me. One handed operation is now possible.
I bought an sig kilo off Amazon for about $120. Compact and easy to use for archery. Not sure how great it would work beyond a few hundred yards for a rifle though. I like it. Most seem overpriced for what they do.
Wanted to update. I couldn’t get past the blue hue of the Athlon. Ordered a Vortex Ranger 1800 from AA Optics. Way better to my eyes. And through AA it was the same money.

Liking the Vortex and AA Optics are definitely GTG.
I had a Leupold for a couple years, but it was a cheaper model with the black display. Those black readouts disappear really bad with a dark backdrop.
I’ve since used the vortex 1800 ranger, as mentioned above, and been pretty happy with it.

I see those vortex for very reasonable prices in the classifieds fairly often.
Lost my bushnell arc1200 one season hauling a deer out. Bought a Vortex Ranger 1300 and it has been my primary since. My backup is that old bushnell! I found it the next season and simply changed the battery and it worked. Some chew marks on it now add character.
I have a cheap 100$ halo range finder I’ve had for years. It reads 2 - 4 yards longer than my buddies vortex’s but my sight tape is made for mine so I guess it works. Readings get erratic on certain color 3d targets. Definitely gonna be one the next things to get upgraded.
I always lean vortex because of the warranty. Stuff has always severed me well also
Have you ever used the warranty? Or like to have the coverage, just in case?
I have multiple vortex items, but never have needed the warranty - but it’s cool to know it’s there.
I have ever needed
Have you ever used the warranty? Or like to have the coverage, just in case?
I have multiple vortex items, but never have needed the warranty - but it’s cool to know it’s there.
I have not need to use the warranty. I have never heard anything bad about their warranty process or them not wanting to cover stuff. I know people who have used it and said it was pretty darn easy and they were good to work with
I'm on a tight budget so I have to keep my range in the vicinity of $200 and think I am going to go with a cheaper vortex after reading this thread and considering the warranty.
Cabelas intensity Range finder comes on sale frequently, has angle compensation and ive tested it accurate out to 500 yds, Also compared the angle comp to my buddys Vortex 1000 at a 3D shoot and it was identical.
Tidewe is decent. Not sure which model I have but it’s great. My eyes aren’t great so tend to struggle with it in lower light conditions so I may look for something else but it works for now
Another vote for TideWe. I’ve been using mine for several weeks now, it’s basic but works great for shooting distance to block target and from the stand.