Body Weight vs Draw Weight

Mar 16, 2023
I seen someone else did a post on draw weight vs age, and thought it'd be interesting to see what everyone's body weight vs your draw weight is.

Mine is somewhere around 95lbs body and 55# draw.
I have always pulled 70. When I bought my first bow in high school and weighed 160 I am sure it was more of a chore. I could comfortably pull more now, but after you get your setup dialed it doesn’t seem worth it to change. With my maxed out draw length, I would rather age into my current draw weight rather than hurt myself or drop it down once I am ready for the glue factory.
66lb @ 143bw. Was shooting 72 and dropped to work on form, decide and commit to what release I want to stick with, and enjoy shooting longer before fatiguing. Hopefully will be able to shoot 70+ as well as I do 66 now eventually,
220lbs, 73lb, also shot 73lbs when I weighed 170lbs and it was probably easier back then since I was 20 years younger.
I don't know what I weigh at this point, but I have never weighed over 160. I shot 84lbs for years when I was around 155, I'm old now and shoot 62lbs.
Weigh 195, draw 29" @ 76 lbs. 48 years old, washed-up, former athlete trying to keep the old man out.
I refuse to answer on the grounds that I may embarrass myself.o_O
Oh well 215 and 71Practice with a 44# pack tho.