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  1. muleman

    I am for sure a FNG from Ohio!

    Welcome Jeromi. Great forum to help you lessen the learning curve.
  2. muleman

    Floor less and rain

    Site selection is important. If you pitch on hard pack or in a depression you could have issues. Check out this video from a few years ago. It was one of the hardest rain storms I have ever camped in and I was floorless. It had been raining for days and I had spent a little time looking for a...
  3. muleman

    Berger 170gr EOL vs Matrix 165gr VLD plus freebies!

    Good reason to unbox the 270 WSM I picked up several years ago.
  4. muleman

    New from WY

    Welcome, only real ninjas need apply.
  5. muleman

    Another one bites the dust- poacher style

    Robby, Just giving you a hard time.
  6. muleman


    Welcome to the forum.
  7. muleman

    Another one bites the dust- poacher style

    Well ya can't brag without sharing!
  8. muleman

    Blast from the past-----HUGE BUCK!

    Great photo Randy. Reminds me of my daughters first deer.
  9. muleman

    new member UK

    Welcome Sam
  10. muleman

    New from NY

    Welcome and good luck on the elk hunt.
  11. muleman

    FNG from Florida

    Welcome to the forum.
  12. muleman

    FNG from Oregon

  13. muleman

    FNG from SOCAL

    Welcome to the forum.
  14. muleman

    Hey everyone!

  15. muleman

    FNG from Utah

  16. muleman

    1st Post- 2015 Muley

    Welcome and nice eye guards!
  17. muleman

    Jackson Bison Hunt

    Welcome to the site Peter and great video. I hope to draw that tag someday.....
  18. muleman

    Dana Design Frame Help, Ideas?

    I never put it through serious field trials. I ended up using a couple differnt Kifaru frames and bags before settling down with a Stone Glacier frame and bags.
  19. muleman


    Thanks, I've spent some time reasearching on both those sites. Bairdi, are you able to reuse your wolf snares? I've been following a prolific yote snarer who usually ends up tossing the snare after one use. He's using ram power snares. We just picked up 30 acres of ponds and marsh that are...
  20. muleman


    Thanks, great info.