Search results

  1. arwhntr

    Whats your thoughts Nevada mule deer

    I've hunted the 17s. If it was only 2 extra years to get a 16s tag I'd definitely be going that route. Best of luck!
  2. arwhntr

    1 state to hunt

    Like wapitibob said, Wyoming. Buy the point during the point-only period for $52. When you're ready to hunt in that 3-5 year time frame, you can research and apply for the hunt you can draw at your accumulated point level.
  3. arwhntr

    How do you spend your time between morning/night hunts?

    I use afternoon hours to explore new country, check water sources, run trail cams or still hunt bedding areas.
  4. arwhntr

    Thoughts on clothes from China

    I agree, I'm willing to pay more for made in the USA but I do think its a false generalization that it's "cheaper to manufacturer overseas and better quality if made in the USA". Regarding clothing manufacturing the US lacks mass production factories, has little investment in upgrading and...
  5. arwhntr

    driving to newfoundland from the midwest

    Why not take the south route on the way there then the north route on the way home or vice versa?
  6. arwhntr

    MN Archery Shop

    When I lived in the Twin Cities I use to go to Archery Country up in Rogers. Nice guys but I'd rather work on my bow myself.
  7. arwhntr

    Deciding a unit.

    One more thing, I spoke to CPW and it sounds like they expect there to be leftover archery bull tags for the SW units that went to draw this year so that gives you ample time to decide.
  8. arwhntr

    Deciding a unit.

    I wouldn't bother starting to building points for elk in CO. You're already too far behind and the trophy potential just isn't there. Build a couple points and go hunt better bulls in MT and WY and in the mean time hone your skills on CO OTC tags.
  9. arwhntr

    Suggestions for future episodes!

    How to make summer scouting trips into "family vacations". Would to hear from someone who pulls this off, equipment and gear used, tips/tricks to keep spouse/kids comfortable and having fun. :)
  10. arwhntr

    Merriam Hunt help

    I've taken birds in both the Black Hills of SD and Pine Ridge of NE. Hands down SD > NE. No experience in CO though.
  11. arwhntr

    Black Eagle Arrows

    If I wasn't shooting VAPs I'd be shooting the black eagle X-impacts.
  12. arwhntr

    To buy a tag or not buy a tag, that is the question??

    Rifle hunt..coming from question..get the tag! :D
  13. arwhntr


    Reiterating said above, SketchUp will be your best friend. Take a look at dimensions of tent manufacturers to get a base for the size you will build. I'm no engineer but MYOG pyramid has become one of my favorite gear pieces. was incredibly helpful for me when getting...
  14. arwhntr

    Off season hunting opportunities

    Shed hunting in addition to bear, turkey and running cams. Not my thing but maybe predator hunts?
  15. arwhntr

    Trail Camera Numbers

    Most I've ever ran at one time is 13. Ideally I'd like to get up to 20-25 cams. Just gets spendy..
  16. arwhntr

    Who wants to Phone skope-FREE

    PM sent
  17. arwhntr

    Northern AZ mountain lion?

    You might have better luck heading a little south to 22/23. More remote country and a healthy lion population.
  18. arwhntr

    FOC Who has actually measured and calculated?

    If I was shooting 3" groups at 80 yards I wouldn't be changing a thing. That said, I totally understand the want/need to tinker/experiment with different setups. I've messed around with an FOC range of 10-22%. Found that with high FOC (19%+) my arrows would "fall-out-the-sky" dropping rather...
  19. arwhntr

    Carrying a sidearm while bowhunting?

    Definitely prefer not to carry but will do when in grizzly country or right on the US/Mexico border.
  20. arwhntr

    September Elk Boots

    I moved on from Solomon Quests this year to a couple different pairs of UA boots (Verge?? for non-GTX and Infil Hike with GTX) by recommendation from @ElkNut1. Both have been phenomenal, the most comfortable and lightweight boots I've owned. Zero break-in period, just a little skeptical on...