This is simply not true.
There are some coaches who have biases for or against particular tools or exercises.
Truly high level coaches are only going to be concerned with getting the absolute best performance possible out of their athletes with the absolute minimal amount of effort and time...
It doesn't "incorporate different muscles". LOL!
Because the load moves through your centerline it loads your quads more than a straight bar deadlift variation does.
Dolce's credibility is, to say the least, questionable. He has no actual science behind anything he does.
Brad Schoenfeld is a PhD professor and researcher who is the authority on hypertrophy and body composition.
"However, too much “normal” strength training will build a lot of muscle in places that don’t help me as a hunter. It’s great to have big biceps and a studly chest....."
This article is hilarious.
It's amazing how many tall, skinny (ectomorphs) endurance athletes think they have outstanding...
I would recommend 2 full body lifting sessions per week and 4 days of endurance and strength-endurance
1 -Deadlift pattern moderate to heavy weight/moderate to low volume
Overhead press moderate to heavy weight/moderate to low volume
Weighted rows mod to high volume
Horizontal press mod to...
Most of my athletes travel with resistance bands sets when they know they won't be able to get to a gym
This winter I have been using the Trap bar deadlift as my primary lower body strength exercise. I've been shoveling snow for hours on end most days. Trap bar gives me the most bang for the buck with my limited time and energy.
In terms of overload I can pull more with the trap bar than I can...