Search results

  1. 3

    Everyone’s 2024 season plans

    Oregon Elk and then just putzing around here for moose and bear.
  2. 3

    Need recommendation for Sz. 14 Wide

    I got the Schnee beartooth in the insulated and uninsulated versions and they have a lot more room than the renegades. They are a higher boot, which I wanted but I do like the lower cut of the renegades for light hiking which is about all that boot is good for.
  3. 3

    What do you do for a living? How can you help?

    TIle contractor. Probably can't help unless you're in my area but happy to laugh at the guy doing your project currently.
  4. 3

    Wilderness vs front country

    I feel like the amount of ground I can cover in non-wilderness areas leads to seeing more animals. I can night bugle a drainage from the road and if I don't like the area just drive elsewhere. If I pack in, I am going to be limited. I see plenty of animals in wilderness areas, but it has taken...
  5. 3

    One pack

    I like the mystery ranch system of being able to change bags. I have the sawtooth/beartooth combo and it covers most everything I need. But I will say owning multiple packs is kind of nice, I like to use my old Dwight Schuh sometimes.
  6. 3

    Anybody ever hunt with a slow arse bow?

    that like 100mph.... pretty dang fast. If you like your set up and shoot it well, the speed doesn't matter but I am sure there are others who feel differently.
  7. 3

    Oregon/Washington coast fishing late summer/early fall

    Buoy-10 is the big draw that time of year at the mouth of the Columbia river. Drake Radditz guide service is local out of the Hammond area and does a great job. Not sure if he does 2 person groups but he has a website, if not there are a lot of options for that fishery.
  8. 3

    Alternative to Eddie Bauer Guide Pro Pants

    Just got back from a bike ride and the wranglers were dirty so put on the costco pants. For $15 they are great. No thigh pockets but nice stretchy hiking pant. Good deal for sure.
  9. 3

    Alternative to Eddie Bauer Guide Pro Pants

    I have the wranglers and they've held up and wear well.
  10. 3

    Angled vs Straight

    I'm usually sitting if I am glassing and like an angled scope, just more comfortable and it's lower than my chin usually so I can pull the binos out without the scope being in my way. they certainly don't seem to work as well for truck window mounted viewing though in my experience.
  11. 3

    Dalton Hwy specific question

    Do you mean like down the road back to your truck? I usually stop if I see a guy walking and see if he needs a ride if there isn't a truck in view, I don't think I've ever had someone not stop to talk if I was hiking down the road, but I usually go in early august since it seems a little calmer...
  12. 3

    Hoping to get some suggestions on the type/specs on what kind of pedal bike to buy for hunting?

    I have a giant talon 29 and it's been great, nice and light and gets me where I need to go. Not many places I go that hiking isn't a better option, but on power line trails and the like it's sure nice to chew up miles quickly.
  13. 3

    Fly fishing

    I have a 4 piece 2wt that I like for hiking with. lightweight and plenty of rod for most of the lakes or small streams I hike to.
  14. 3

    Deschutes Sheep Hunt

    Haven't been there in years, but I remember the lower river used to have certain days you were allowed to run a jet boat. I'd look into that and see if it is still the same. I have hiked in many times from the mouth for steelhead fishing. It only took once hiking in and then having a guide boat...
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    Couple years ago I was hunting caribou with my daughter, had a bull come over an embankment at about 40 feet from us. Not sure why I did it but in the process of calming myself down for the shot and the 40 foot distance stuck in my head, i started counting my pins 10, 20, 30, 40, set, release...
  16. 3

    Camp Location

    I don't like camping in the drainage I plan to hunt, so backside and down from ridge would be where I would be. I don't see the issue being close to water but I do have a few spots that I have to fill up before I hike back to camp for the evening because my spot dictates that.
  17. 3

    Kings camo xkg paramount rain jacket

    I received my order yesterday, not disappointed. Xl pants L jacket, 6'4 200lbs and while I prefer my jackets to be LT, this fits pretty well and room to put pants over whatever I am wearing at the time.
  18. 3

    Nightforce sponsors MuleyFreak

    this thread has been an adventure, had to take a 30 page detour on the SO thread, and now we got money on going 20 pages...just adding to the total.
  19. 3

    Management vs. Trades and Labor questions

    no idea how the change would work for you, but I would check your union contract to make sure you don't affect your time in by making the switch. Not sure it applies to you, but it's worth looking into.
  20. 3

    Haul Road gear exchange?

    I met some guys a year or two ago who had a bunch of chairs, fuel, and whatnot they bought and didn't intend on taking home, I didn't need them but figured taking them was better than having them thrown into the firepit or just left as garbage which unfortunately happens more than it should. I...