Youtube jockeys losing credibility


Oct 29, 2013
Cody, WY
Not going to use specific names/brands but I'm sure you can figure them out. I've been of staunch opinion on here for a while, that the running around the woods non-stop blowing on your bugle and or cow calls all day long is not the model for consistent success on mature elk. If you guys have been "following along" on all the youtube elk stars this year you'll see what I mean. Look at all the immature bulls these guys are killing in an effort to just get a kill shot for video. Dude... I'm not shooting a 4-5 point bull on the last day of my hunt when I have no elk in the freezer! Yet, these guys that are trying to sell you shit are so desperate to get that kill shot they shoot a 2-3 year old bull. Seriously? If we were talking about mule deer you guys would be watching these guys shoot forky bucks! Come on man, if you're trying to market videos as a professional elk hunter then act like one. Mature 6 point bulls or eat your tag. Or don't pretend you know how to elk hunt.
Don't watch YT videos generally so have no idea what your rant is about. I would think that most archery elk hunters would be tickled to kill a spike/raghorn/cow. I'd honestly rather see something more realistic for the average hunter than some coveted/limited tag on a private ranch that had 20 guys watching it all year.
I don’t like being this guy but what a waste of thought. Killing an archery bull isn’t as easy as typing out your negative comments. Hasn’t been for me and most other archers.

How about you be brave end post your giant 6 points instead of tearing people down.

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Not a fan boy and don't buy all the swag, but I enjoy the watch (you must too or you wouldn't know to post about it ;). I say each to there own...I personally love the calling game and it's the reason I love September elk hunting. I do know this, they do shoot some rag horns but also have watched them kill some huge bulls using those tactics. Of course I'm guilty of airchair quarterbacking as I watch, but also know if the camera was rolling I could fill some blooper reels on a some of my hunts 😃
I am sure there are negatives to YouTube hunters in general. I have seen more than one pass on a bull I would give my left nut for. I guess you would look down your nose at me as well. That doesn’t bother me, and you seem like the type who doesn’t mind being lonely. Cheers.
Not going to use specific names/brands but I'm sure you can figure them out. I've been of staunch opinion on here for a while, that the running around the woods non-stop blowing on your bugle and or cow calls all day long is not the model for consistent success on mature elk. If you guys have been "following along" on all the youtube elk stars this year you'll see what I mean. Look at all the immature bulls these guys are killing in an effort to just get a kill shot for video. Dude... I'm not shooting a 4-5 point bull on the last day of my hunt when I have no elk in the freezer! Yet, these guys that are trying to sell you shit are so desperate to get that kill shot they shoot a 2-3 year old bull. Seriously? If we were talking about mule deer you guys would be watching these guys shoot forky bucks! Come on man, if you're trying to market videos as a professional elk hunter then act like one. Mature 6 point bulls or eat your tag. Or don't pretend you know how to elk hunt.
I have been following the Elk101 series; I personally thought they show how tough elk hunting can be. They hiked 15 miles one day and only heard a couple of bugles; when Cory shot the small bull he looked pretty happy about it to me. Last year was tough with the smoke and heat - the elk acted weird all season ( I thought).

Would you rather they hunt a private ranch and have monster bulls running in left and right (unrealistic) ? There are too many elk hunting shows on Youtube that make elk hunting look like a breeze - I even made a comment to my wife how Cory and Donny are working for the shots they are getting.

To each his own; now there are some Youtube elk shows that are crap. I don't think Elk101's is one of them.
Would you rather they hunt a private ranch and have monster bulls running in left and right (unrealistic) ? There are too many elk hunting shows on Youtube that make elk hunting look like a breeze - I even made a comment to my wife how Cory and Donny are working for the shots they are getting.

Definitely not! That would be Cam Haynes!

Just saying it is not that hard to find and kill mature bulls. I think those guys could easily hold out for mature bulls if it were not for the pressure of trying to get a kill on film. Back to my point... killing a 2-3 year old bull is like killing a forky buck. Would you watch a youtube video of guys shooting 2-3 year old deer? I'd go as far as to say there are places like OR where killing a 2-3 year old dear is harder than killing a 2-3 year old bull.
An JFYI I was not talking about any one channel or person. I was talking about the entire season as a whole. All of them. Just look back I could name 5+ of the most watched and the point would be the same.
"Just saying it is not that hard to find and kill mature bulls"

Enlighten us all on how easy it truly is?
This thread is insane.
Definitely not! That would be Cam Haynes!

Just saying it is not that hard to find and kill mature bulls. I think those guys could easily hold out for mature bulls if it were not for the pressure of trying to get a kill on film. Back to my point... killing a 2-3 year old bull is like killing a forky buck. Would you watch a youtube video of guys shooting 2-3 year old deer? I'd go as far as to say there are places like OR where killing a 2-3 year old dear is harder than killing a 2-3 year old bull.