Not going to use specific names/brands but I'm sure you can figure them out. I've been of staunch opinion on here for a while, that the running around the woods non-stop blowing on your bugle and or cow calls all day long is not the model for consistent success on mature elk. If you guys have been "following along" on all the youtube elk stars this year you'll see what I mean. Look at all the immature bulls these guys are killing in an effort to just get a kill shot for video. Dude... I'm not shooting a 4-5 point bull on the last day of my hunt when I have no elk in the freezer! Yet, these guys that are trying to sell you shit are so desperate to get that kill shot they shoot a 2-3 year old bull. Seriously? If we were talking about mule deer you guys would be watching these guys shoot forky bucks! Come on man, if you're trying to market videos as a professional elk hunter then act like one. Mature 6 point bulls or eat your tag. Or don't pretend you know how to elk hunt.