Youtube jockeys losing credibility

What if someone looking to get into hunting (but was still on the fence) read this thread? Do you think it may give hunting a black eye? I’d say so. Ignorance like this is the last thing the hunting community needs. I’m so sick of seeing hunters critiquing other hunters. Stay in your lane. We’re a community that I thought was filled full of respectful people, but more and more I see people doing what this guy is doing here. It’d be better if we spent less time worrying about other peoples standards and if they want to capture their hunts or not and spent more time worrying about the real problems... For example: all the crazy bills trying to be introduced in Montana. Something tells me mr. OP is wishing he didn’t make this thread.
While I do like Corey & Donnie, and I do think they are great elk hunters, and I don't care what people shoot as long as they are happy...I also think many of you can't deny the fact that a lot of YT & hunting shows are more influenced by the pressure of content opposed to being happy with a kill. Not all, but a lot.

If you're happy with it, shoot it. But please don't shoot it for the flat brimmed photo on your Facebook & Instagram page.

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I see lately we are eating our own in defense of something we love. Instead email text or call the person you think is out of line.
Most of the time I find I was reading into the situation and their side is so different then what I perceived.
Sometimes you get a screen full and find their true colors
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I find it laughable that guys are making a living doing something they love and getting bashed for it publicly by those who are jealous. A couple years ago it was the edited Primos videos. Then it was guys like Elknut1. I guess it’s Corey’s turn now. I think guys ought to worry about themselves and get their own house in order instead of judging others. You don’t like it? Don’t buy it. Or don’t watch it. But stop acting like a whining beta. Which is the real problem. We’ve raised a nation of betas who are jealous of men who work for it.....
They just enjoy hunting and hunters enjoy watching them. I don’t see this as any different than people who played football/baseball growing up or still play in a community league and are now watching college or pro sports. You are just connected to it no matter how real it is for you. Then again all kinds of people complain about how their favorite player choked or “just didn’t want it enough”...

arm chair quarterbacks suck and hunting isn’t immune.
Actually a 2-3 year old bull would not equate to a forky buck, you realize that right? A spike bull would be equal to a forky
I'm not a fan of YouTube hunting stars and them commercializing hunting.

But, I'll shoot a 2 year old bull any day of the week and be happy about it. Especially if it's archery!!

I suck at calling, so I don't do it a whole lot and just cover a lot of ground and still hunt the thick stuff. But if I could call... I'd be using it.

Paul medel's primary tactic is calling. Calling like crazy. Maybe his approach is a bit more nuanced that what jacobsens appears, I don't know. I see no problem with calling or shooting a 2 year old bull on an otc public unit. Getting one, is better than none.
I stopped reading this after the first day.
First comment I opened to was @Michnal243 what a good point.
There's a $hit ton of infighting on this forum, more so than I've seen on others.
It's old watching grown ups bicker like highschool drama queens.
Anyway, you didn't need me before I got here and after I'm gone. Blah blah blah.
We need someone YouTube hunters doing the hard stuff ... Getting a decent buck in northern MN amount my the wolves, someone dragging an elk out of the wolf infested FC middlefork, going on a 10 day backpack hunt and coming up empty handed
My Calling is Tailored to a bulls emotion & mindset for that situation. Sometimes my calling is done in a subtle approach or going Full Send, all depends on his state of mind & where he's at. I treat all bulls as individuals for best results!

Definitely something to be said for that. Several years back we were having a conversation and somehow we got onto the subject of multiple bulls answering calls. Your tip was to target one of the individual bulls only instead of answering all of them everytime they bugled. What a great tip! Since then I’ve been able to call to the bull that sounds deep and raspy. If there is a growler amongst them, he is the one I target. My call ins in this situation have went up 10 fold! Just to clarify, that doesn’t necessarily mean I just sit back and do the same thing the whole time or everytime. I’m getting much better at “tailoring” <grin>
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My opinion is one of a new elk hunter who would give just about anything to shoot a legal bull. I pretty much live on utube, especially this time of year being laid off. I watch all the big names down to guys filming themselves with a go pro. No one has lost any credibility with me. These guys that kill bulls time after time, a lot of time with otc tags are gods to me. I actually like it when they shoot a lesser bill because it reiterates to me just how difficult it actually is. And I also know that you can’t kill what’s not there. Just my 2 cents for what it’s worth!
I am sure there are negatives to YouTube hunters in general. I have seen more than one pass on a bull I would give my left nut for. I guess you would look down your nose at me as well. That doesn’t bother me, and you seem like the type who doesn’t mind being lonely. Cheers.
Missed everything going on in this thread while admiring that brown bear 🤗. Someday soon....someday soon.
Trophyhill, (Dave) Yes sir, hunters can get into a bad habit when there are multiple bulls bugling within earshot & call to all of them. Your best bet for best results is to pick one & reserve all your responses to him only; especially if working him with Cow chatter!


You're awesome, elknut. Keep putting your knowledge out there. I love it! Fantastic app! 👍