I you've been on this site more than a day or two You quickly learn there is a wealth of information on this site and a bunch of knowledgeable folks will to share that information.
I could probably write a page worth of stuff, but here are my top (or near top) takeaways—
Use a tripod to glass. I picked this one the first couple of weeks on was on this site; holy hell has that made a huge difference!
One of my favs—removing the gel from the Kimber Hunter stock, a little over a 1/2 lb of weight for $0
Mounting a scope properly (thanks to @Formidilosus). I've redone all my scopes and have much better piece of mind and knock on wood, no issues with losing zero
I could probably write a page worth of stuff, but here are my top (or near top) takeaways—
Use a tripod to glass. I picked this one the first couple of weeks on was on this site; holy hell has that made a huge difference!
One of my favs—removing the gel from the Kimber Hunter stock, a little over a 1/2 lb of weight for $0
Mounting a scope properly (thanks to @Formidilosus). I've redone all my scopes and have much better piece of mind and knock on wood, no issues with losing zero