Your Top FIXED blade BH


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Staff member
Aug 4, 2019
I just killed my elk with a QAD exodus and while he died, I didn't like how long it took. Full pass through, right where it should have been placed. I won't use them again. Not much blood.
Not here to argue about QAD, just simply looking to get some ideas to try next.

I shoot from 60-90 a lot. Flight is important. No mechs.

80 bow/450 gr/306 FPS

The bull I shot with the good old Thunderhead was on his feet for maybe 6 seconds...and tipped over on the hillside across from me before I could put a diaphragm in my mouth. He made it maybe 25 yds.

I mostly shoot 2 blades from a recurve....but I've killed a lot of critters with that Thunderhead. Its probably killed more game than any other head....
I think it's just some animals take a while.

I put 1 3/4" mechanical through both lungs on a large bull, long story short within the first 30 seconds he was bedded in front of me, he was done, but took him a while yet to expire.

If you put a broadhead in the right spot, short of a bigger hole, more damage/bleeding, how can you expect them to die faster?

Same shot and they are done in a few seconds, or can be a few minutes. Not all animals have same will to live.
Son and I both killed bulls with a magnus black hornet serrazor two weeks ago. His went 70 yds and mine went 120ish. His shot was perfect, while mine was a lil off.
Exodus is imo the best replaceable blade head there is. Really only iron wills can claim to be better in any way (materials).

If you want to put animals down faster, and probably get more blood, you need a bigger hole. And that means you need a mech.
Exodus is imo the best replaceable blade head there is. Really only iron wills can claim to be better in any way (materials).

If you want to put animals down faster, and probably get more blood, you need a bigger hole. And that means you need a mech.

Been playing with DaySix and I think they are there with the IW.

Lots of good broadheads, pick features you want.
I have 5 arrows in my quiver currently with 5 different BH's.
Deer/Bear size iron will wide double bevel 100
Elk iron will SB 100

I do love qad exodus and have killed elk and deer with them I just get tired of the blade replacement. I’m an empty nester now I got time to oil, sharpen and touch up the iron wills 😀

Only “long” recovery was the antelope but it ran straight 300 yards ran out of blood and tipped over. All other under 70 yards


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First broadhead of choice would be Iron Will.

My quiver is half IW and half Grim Reaper Micro Hades Pro. It’s been that way for the past few years and won’t likely change.
I've shot animals with thunderhead, 2 blade cutthroats and 3 blade cutthroats.
I am also a fan of the 3 blade cutthroats for flight and ease of sharpening. I got great penetration with a full pass through on a long frontal last year. Sample size of 1 elk but I’m happy with them.

I have also tested their durability into dirt, trees, metal table legs, etc as I learn to shoot a recurve. So far so good.
I just killed my elk with a QAD exodus and while he died, I didn't like how long it took. Full pass through, right where it should have been placed. I won't use them again. Not much blood.
Not here to argue about QAD, just simply looking to get some ideas to try next.

I shoot from 60-90 a lot. Flight is important. No mechs.

80 bow/450 gr/306 FPS

Not sure you can pick a better head for flight and toughness. Were they sharp? Really really sharp?

I’ve killed multiple animals with….

German kinetics
Magnus stinger
Magnus buzzcut
Sevr 1.5
Sevr 2.0
Iron will

I truly don’t think there’s a difference in blood based solely off the head. The German kinetics bled like crazy I will say, I think I shot 3-4 elk with them. I still have a couple in the quiver.
Personally, I have begun to prefer a sturdy two blade. I happen to like Ace Standards. They are easy to sharpen, plenty tough, and priced right. If I was shooting past 50 yds, I'd consider larger fletching than the normal small Blazer vanes.

The beauty of a fixed blade that can be resharpened is that you can shoot that same arrow over and over and over again to gain confidence in it....then touch it up and stick in the quiver. Rinse and repeat until your quiver is full.
Tooth of the arrow for me if going fixed.

Knocked down a couple bears and deer with them. Flown great out of two bows.
I think you're barking up the wrong tree thinking the broadhead is to blame. Shit just happens.

I've put a (sharp) 4 blade Magnus stinger into a deer's vital V and had zero blood for the 60-70 yards it took him to die on a dead run.

Shot a bull elk with a 2" wide Simmons Land Shark and watched him tip over in 10 seconds and 30 yards away. Not a DROP of blood left the chest cavity.

One time I blew up a doe's back hip/femur with a 7mm Shooting Times Western. Tracked inch square bone chunks and prolific blood for 300 yards over 4 hours, only to find her still alive, and needing a finishing shot.

Hell, I've seen deer take 10 minutes to die from a .30 cal 165 gr Hornady SST to the back of the lungs. Whole cavity filled with blood...

They're just tough.