Your shoulder mounts

Wow, your buck under the vent has amazing mass. That's what I think makes mine worth shoulder mounting. Great mount
I agree. If I do a shouler mount then a wall pedestal is the way I'm leaning. Just gotta figure out if I want left or right facing and if I want sneak or upright. Yours look great
What did your taxidermist do on the backsides of your mount? Not where it mounts to the wall but the small curved area where you can see in between the wall and the mount?
Your deer is great, definitely get that thing on the wall! I think he used that rustoleum stone texture spray. It’s nothing special, but you really can’t even see it anyway.
Funny, the two bucks you have on the lower right hand corner next to the cabinet are the two poses that I'm thinking about. Very nice

Here is a couple close up pictures of how I mounted them. We just got that barrel, and I took a piece of landscape timber and attached it to the drum. Top deer is just a regular deer, and the bottom is a full turn. I wanted you to see what the back of that full turn looked like.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
