Your hunting money

My wife and I share everything, bank accounts, credit cards, etc. If she cared how much I spent, she could easily go and find out. I don't really care what she spends either as I know she has discretion just like me. Hell, when I was on my last hunting trip, she accidentally bought a $500 bottle of wine at a restaurant with her nephew and his wife in SC. Had she not told me about it, I would have never known.
Honesty and openness is the best way to go....
I'm lucky and my wife understands how much I like hunting, so it's never an issue. All our accounts are joint, so she sees all my spending. I think one of the keys is that I try to give her everything she needs/wants so there is never any reason she would worry about what I buy.

Her only expensive hobby (besides traveling with @Tanya Avery) is backpacking. And backpacking is really only expensive for her because I like to make sure she has the best of everything when it comes to gear. As soon as she started getting into it I told her to pick out any truck she wanted and then bought and tricked it out for her. We got her set up with a good pack, tent, pad, stove, a couple of sleeping bags, and everything else she needed.

Pretty sure I actually like buying her gear more than I like buying it for myself.
Why? My wife and I have an arrangement where I'm afforded a budget for my gear and 'adventures'

It's never been a huge budget, but it gets me hunting.

We have the same thing. I make a good living and get 10% of my yearly earnings that I can spend on whatever I want. No questions asked.

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A co-worker and I were discussing the amount of gear we've acquired over the years. I had never put a pen to paper on the value of gear I've got stacked away in my little room. So one night I wrote everything down and looked up the prices. I was a bit surprised and it made me think I should probably have that list somewhere should something happen.

As far as ongoing expenses we each have a separate account that we have a monthly deposit go to from our main checking. Works great and there's never any issues. She does her thing and I do mine. People think it's weird that we do things separate from eachother. She knows I have no desire to sit next to a beach or pool drinking Mai Tais and she wouldn't want to go spend a week sleeping in a tent and crapping outside. Not to say we don't ever do anything together. We do family trips and the occasional couples trip.
Last edited: previous advice was sarcasm and my wife is not ignorant of the fact I have so much hunting and camping gear it fills my office, half the garage and a good portion of a 12X40 foot storage unit. Doesn't include the hunting vehicles. :)

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My wife and I have had one joint checking and savings account since we were married (be 30 years this summer). Plus 2 credit card accounts. We both have username and passwords for online access to all accounts so we can both see everything. It has worked for us.
I'd have to keep what's spent on actual hunting vs guns and ammo that are "collected" or the # would be insane to me.
The $ spent on food plots in 2022 was mind blowing with prices doubling in last 2 years.