Your hunting money

This thread is why I have a savings account specifically for hunting. Wife has her own for whatever she wants... we both have total visibility of each othwrrs stuff, and it's a joint account so it's not a secret of any type. Works out well.

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My wife says I have too many guns. Says I need more hunting trips instead
of guns. So I cant argue with that.
I did buy myself a new "bullet shooter" for Christmas. She didnt get the humor.
Guess I’m just blessed. I spend way too much on hunting and fishing but she doesn’t care. If I say that I’m gonna buy “X”, she’ll just respond “well that’s what you work for”. Now if I could just stop being a gear whore, I could spend it on something else!!
One time I added up the replacement cost of all of the gear I carry on me for a sheep or goat hunt for trip insurance coverage, not counting consumable items. I quickly decide to shred that piece of paper to not incriminate myself to the wife. Honestly, I was a little shocked myself to how much money I've spent over the years, and that was just on the sheep kit.

That said, my wife hunts with me most of the time so she kind of gets it and I make sure she has nice stuff.
Folks are missing a key point: your time and the value your place on it. The premium I place on my time is what I bill clients.

When I did my sheep and grizzly hunt, I kept track of everything. The number of hours exercising, number of hours shooting (including drive times), flight time to/from AK, time off in the field vs time off at the hotel (coming and going), cost of the hunt, roundtrip on the Super Cub, tips, tags, licenses, etc. Not included was taxidermy costs and souvenirs for the family.

That one hunt cost me well over $100K once my time was factored in.

That did not include two Coues hunts in Mexico, one Coues hunt in Arizona, black bear in AZ, and a Nebraska whitetail hunt that same year.
Maybe I’m missing your point or your key point doesn’t make since. Do you bill yourself using the restroom while exercising, gun range time,… for future hunts? What I get from this is that even when you are doing something you enjoy you still think you’re loosing out on “your” billed hours?

If you like hunting then do it within your financial means, why stress over it? If you don’t want to spend the money, then don’t do it. Pretty simple

Hunting isn’t about money burden. If you make it a burden, then that’s on you.
Maybe I’m missing your point or your key point doesn’t make since. Do you bill yourself using the restroom while exercising, gun range time,… for future hunts? What I get from this is that even when you are doing something you enjoy you still think you’re loosing out on “your” billed hours?

If you like hunting then do it within your financial means, why stress over it? If you don’t want to spend the money, then don’t do it. Pretty simple

Hunting isn’t about money burden. If you make it a burden, then that’s on you.
Just pointing out that there can be a significant opportunity cost associated with doing a hunt. This opportunity cost is not just dollars but also your time.

Doing what I can to continue to build a business, be away from family and friends for 40+ weeks a year just for work, sneaking in hunts where I can, etc. So any available time that I may have, I do place a premium on it.

But I do get that many folks have decided that their "free" time is worth zero cents. That is on them.
I spend too much, but at least it’s a decent investment! Most of the gear we buy holds its value, you get lots of meat in return, and I get lots of exercise and entertainment…
Hunting may be the cheapest of my hobbies in all honesty. I do love spending time at the lake fishing (that is my wife and mines shared hobby) then there is the rock crawling. At least hunting and fishing provides food. Rock crawling is a bottomless pit of spending money. But that said we live pretty simply so we can enjoy our hobbies. And we are both debt free as of this week, I'm 31 and she's 28. We've worked hard for it and I'm gonna enjoy life while I can
I feel bad for most of you guys. My wife gives me money to spend on hunting/ gear, and I make more than her 🙂. my wife enjoys hunting as much as I do though.
I am glad I am man enough not to sneak around. Doesn't seem like a healthy relationship either.
Seriously. This reminds me of the "how much does your wife let you hunt" thread.

If hunting is important to you and you have your wife is restricting how much you can do it (with in reason) and she is breaking your balls about going by hunting, and you have to hide the expenses from royally screwed up in explaining to her how important it is to you before you got married.

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My wife has fancier hunting gear than I do. So no problem! Although she is starting to covet the Kimber I bought last year... might have to up-grade the scope on her Sako to distract her...
Seriously. This reminds me of the "how much does your wife let you hunt" thread.

If hunting is important to you and you have your wife is restricting how much you can do it (with in reason) and she is breaking your balls about going by hunting, and you have to hide the expenses from royally screwed up in explaining to her how important it is to you before you got married.
Don't disagree at all. However, some wives are known to move the goal post from time to time based on kids, etc..

And then what about the young couple that didn't have much when they started. The eastern husband hunted deer from time to time around his hometown with his family. She knew that was important and non-negotiable. Then as time goes by, the kids get older, he makes more money and wants to go west to chase elk or go north to chase sheep, do things he grew up reading about. How was he supposed to know he would have those opportunities in the future?
Have you ever looked at the cost all the stuff you bought for hunting (like shelters, bows, guns, packs, boots, optics, electronics, clothing & boots, your pack(s) and everything in it, vehicle(s), travel, licenses, applications and tags, taxidermy, your entire investment in the pursuit of wild game meat?

If you have, treat it like Hillary's private server emails. If you're married use the delete button till that info is all gone. Trust an old man on this.

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Okey Brother !!
In the same boat, my lady has two that only go around barrels and poles. 80k truck to pull the 20k trailer, no worries on me spending what I want on hunting. Told her there were going west to be pack animals. That has not happened.
I just bought 3 new guns. A tikka 243 light ,a Tikka 6.5 PRC and a Patriot 6.5 PRC, Putting Night Vision on it. Don't tell my Wife. LOL
My wife and I share everything, bank accounts, credit cards, etc. If she cared how much I spent, she could easily go and find out. I don't really care what she spends either as I know she has discretion just like me. Hell, when I was on my last hunting trip, she accidentally bought a $500 bottle of wine at a restaurant with her nephew and his wife in SC. Had she not told me about it, I would have never known.