your hunting gear storage area

and for good measure my 100 yard range 30 feet out the door of my oasis. one of the few things i actually do like to brag about. sorry

Damn, that's awesome!!!!

If I ever come across the right place out of town, I will be setting something up like that. Preferably able to shoot right from the top floor reloading room, right out the window. :D
Damn, that's awesome!!!!

If I ever come across the right place out of town, I will be setting something up like that. Preferably able to shoot right from the top floor reloading room, right out the window. :D

had to give the room with a window to my daughter, other wise i could have a bench IN the relaoding room .which would be truely epic. as it is its about 15 steps out the door so still pretty good. ive woken my teenager up more than once with a muzzle loader or the 300. she doesnt think its as funny as i do for some reason
When I got home last night, I took a look around my toy room and decided that there wasn't a photo that would do justice to the layout. It looks like I'm just got back from 2 hunting trips and getting ready for the next 2. What a mess. I need to take a couple days and reorganize.
I saw a spot on TV one day where they lined their walk-in closet with cedar and made it pretty air tight. They stated "no need" to store it in a rubbermaid if your closet is air tight.

I can only show you the "before" picture of my man cave because it is being completely overhauled. The picture of what it will be is in my mind, but you don't want to get in my head...too many voices there already!
I bought a really nice double door cedar robe off craigslist last year that I can at least keep some of my clothes and gear in. My garage is a mess. It is a two car garage and I still let my wife park in on her side and the other side is a mess, which is my side. I'm going to build a shed in the yard and get a lot of junk out of the garage and keep it a little better organized.
I'm the rubber maid totes stacked in the garage guy...but somehow always manage to find what I need the night before a hunt. And when organized, It's as simple as grab a tote or three and head out for the weekend (don't forget the bowcase)
i use my gear year round, at the least once a month so totes dont work very well for me. ive got an understair closet that backpacks and sleeping bags and al the misc stuff gets piled in. clothes hang in regular closet
What area of our house isn't our hunting gear storage area?? With two of us and our gear in a three bedroom home with few closets (but an awesome open floor plan and lots of windows) we have had to get a little creative. One of the spare bedrooms has a set of dresser drawers for each of us, and that's where we store base layers, socks, and other miscellaneous clothing. The floor in that room tends to be our staging area, so at any given time there are packs, tents, optics and what have you spread out on the floor. Puffy jackets and rain pants are in the hall closet, with a plastic tote to hold all the gloves, hats and neck gaitors.

We use the crawlspace for a lot of off season storage, this time of year there are backpacks, tents, tipis and stoves down there, as well as a plethora of sleeping bags laid out so they don't lose their loft. In the summer months a lot of that comes upstairs, and we move the winter gear (xc skis, boots, coats and snowmachining gear) back down.

In our garage are plastic totes with labels, and gear like pack rafting stuff, stoves and cookware, and boots and shoes, shelters etc. go into those for easy access. I park in one side of our two car garage, and the other has the reloading bench, and shelving for backpacking food during the off season (I usually set up a food packing station in an area of our dining room from may-oct, so a lot of that moves indoors at that time). The garage is also home to the gun/optics safe and the three freezers (bow cases go on top), as well as misc other heavy camping gear on some attic style shelving around the perimeter.

So we have a system that works for us, although I would eventually love to have everything contained in one place instead of all over the house. My guess is we will eventually need more space, either with an addition or a different house with more square footage. Time will tell I suppose, but this works fine for us now.
I'm a finish carpenter (electrician for a living) and have a whole garage dedicated to my tools. I plan on starting my bow/gun cabinet that will hold all backpacking equipment as soon as I'm done with our families wall unit here in a couple of weeks. Just trying to decide on which wood. Thinking cherry not sure. I'll post pics when I start and finish
Turned my garage into a home gym / archery centre / hunting storage area. I used to box in my youth competitively (teaching my sons the basics now) and still workout religiously so I put in rubber floor mats on 2/3 rds of the garage floor with a wall of mirrors to keep me honest :). The chain you see does double duty as a place to hang the heavy bag and weight scale. Have a eliptical and wieghtbench by the closet. Workbench with archery vice, gun safe, cupboards for hunting stuff by the stairs and I have a 4ft x 4ft field point target and broadhead target next to it and the x-press. Bought a closet for my backcountry gear this fall to stay organized. And of course being Canadian you will bits of hockey gear hanging on the far wall by the closet.





This is my clean room- cupboards are full of gear and ammo. couple of closets full of rubbermaid tubs and cloths camping gear etc.


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