Gear Storage Ideas

I like these totes that you can find at almost any big-box-store, not just Lowes:

These are smaller than the huge black/yellow bins we see everywhere now, and definitely not as strong. But I love the fact that they're clear so I can see what's inside, and the lids provide some slide resistance. Since they're smaller and still pretty cheap, I got like 10 of them. Each bin has a purpose: one is for all my calls/attractants/bugle tubes/etc, one has all my optics, one is for all the extra pouches/bags/etc I've bought over the years and can't seem to part with despite not using, etc.

About half the bins are "reload" supplies - special purpose items I don't need every trip. The other half are "regular use" items - things I use on almost every outing. I've loaded and reloaded my backpacks so much, changing my mind on what I want to bring based on a last-minute decision to "spike out Friday night" or dealing with a big storm that just blew in and now it's sweaters-and-gaiters time...

Now I don't bother to try to do that. Each trip, I go through the "reload" bins for any last minute items I'm sure I want to bring, like if my stove canister is running low, or my med kit needs more bandaids. I grab any of that stuff, and then grab the 6 "every trip" bins and put the whole bins right i my truck. At the trailhead when I set out for a day or spike-out, I can quickly grab what i want for that trip and toss it in my pack. The beauty is I can fit 6+ of these in the back seat (folded down) of my truck without taking any room in the bed or (if I have it with me) my camper. I couldn't do that with those huge black bins.
Here are some pics on “closets” I built in my garage. They’re 4’ wide, 8’ tall and 24-30” deep. Used heavy duty drawer slides to make the large drawers for holding clothes like gloves, hats, folded shirts, pants, etc. coats on the hangers in the other closet.

Added the fishing rod holder on after the original build- it pulls out on the same drawer slides.

Agree that totes are the way to go.

After killing a few rubber made and Walmart grade totes I went with brute. They were $25 a piece back precovid. Seems like they are higher now. I ordered them from Lowe’s or Home Depot for pick up. If you buy them off Amazon, your Ups guy will hate you.

regardless, buy some decent ones and set your shelves up for them. I sort my stuff by function - turkey, early Sesson stuff, late season stuff, etc. - and I keep one packed with stuff I take along on hunts that says in the truck.

I got tired of busted totes so I went with brutes as well. I use both the 10 and 20s. I bought a 6 pack of the 20s about 6 years ago. Still using them. I bought more as needed. Some of my totes go with me on trips so they get a workout. I havent been able to bust one yet.

I bought 3 large metal shelving units with large caster wheels from Amazon. They are sturdy and I can move them to sweep behind them. I hang my packs on the sides.

Its possible I could have used cheaper totes if the just stayed on the shelf. Using the same type totes makes it easier to stack them if I need to.
During the offseason I store most stuff like this- once season starts, everything goes in bins so I can grab and go. For me, storing open makes me inventory. I’m still in the middle of unpacking everything

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2x4s and half inch plywood. Build to fit your space. Black and yellow totes of various sizes per gear type. Clear plastic if you prefer but I find clear ones suck for longevity.

One or two air tight totes. I keep my go to clothing in these and have a light or early season tote and a heavy or late season one. If you want another air tight one for occasional access like rain gear, then line a black tote rim with 3/8 inch weather stripping. Buy charcoal packets and toss a few in each tote. Cheap and effective.
all you need is an old-school leather belt. When the screaming and fighting starts, break it out and warm some ass with it, you'll then have lots of time to organize how you want.......
I'm about to embark upon a regretful DIY project of building a giant wardrove/armoire kinda thing for storage or larger items. I don't like looking at things, I want stuff put away behind a door where I can't see it, otherwise all the stuff kinda gives me anxiety looking at it.

Dimensions will be ~70" wide, ~80" tall, ~24" deep. I want to have some portion of it have a clothing rack so I can hang jackets and such. Then shelves or cubby holes. Main requirement is big enough to put multiple packs in it, and fly rods. I'll update this thread and post some pics once my gear room is finished.
Where you at on this?
Where you at on this?

I did the smart thing: I gave up before I got started.

Instead I went with the IKEA Pax. I still don't have doors for it, because they didn't offer any off-the-shelf doors that match the cabinets I installed. So I can still see all my stuff, but whatever, I'm not the cleanest/most organized anyway. I'll post a pic here in a bit.