Your First Shot on a Cold Bore is the most important.

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Look it up.

Based on its mass, the sun's gravitational attraction to the Earth is more than 177 times greater than that of the moon to the Earth.

Gotta pay particular attention to moon cycles too, as gravitational pull is additive.

And who knows what kind of violence that does to a bullet!


But a bullet is hardly the same mass as the planet Earth...
@Article 4
Nah it seems he made it pretty clear how to read on the subject. He provided research to his hypothesis.

All you said was false. Again do you have anything to say to actually back up and support your false statement or are you just making unsubstantiated claims?
I refer you to the answer I gave before.
To me it would depend on the difference from the cold bore and the warm bore shot. If the cold bore is 4” from a 1/2” warm bore group. The warm bore group is worthless. I’d either switch ammo or figure out a load that brings that cold bore closer to the warm bore groups. Vice versa.

Unless the cold bore impact is consistent every time. Then zero and hope that one is all you need.
I haven't seen a difference in my rifles between cold bore and hot. My dad however has one that with certain loads will have a poi shift. Not much maybe 1.25 to 1.5 moa for the first group them the next group will be sub moa. It all depends on what the rifle likes
I gotta wonder how many guys actually Googled tidal stress and coriolis effect.

That idea tickles the hell out of me.

Tidal stress - zero for me
Coriolis - nope, if you were at direct East and West to the meridian and were getting full affect, it is somewhere around 2 1/2 to 3 inches for the first 1000 yards. 97% of hunters and shooters wouldn't need to think about that. Ever