Your Favorite budget-ish fly rod

Have you checked out the Moonshine rods? They’re flat awesome for the money and the Drifter comes with two tips.
I have a Drifter in 10ft 7wt as a streamer rod and I like it better than my friends Winston in the same dimension and can’t tell a ton of difference in that and my Helios 3 in the same dimensions. I’m not saying the quality is the same and it’s heavier but as far as casting big flies go it’s great. I’ve caught a lot of nice pike (haven’t caught a true 40” yet) and it makes those fish do whatever you want.
I’ve cast their 9/5 rod and it’s a great little rod. Also have a 7’6” 4 wt midnight special that’s nice but they’re a little more.
I have two of their midnight specials 5w and 7w. I really like them. I've cought a ton of carp on them, a 21.8lb carp on the 5w. Handled it great. Bugetish, I don't think you can beat a TFO.
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I've never casted a Moonshine nor personally known anyone who owns one. I've been told (and read many times online) they're made with cheap Maxcatch blanks and are an overpriced marketing / snake oil brand. I have fished some Maxcatch rods and they're not bad at all but they're also $30 vs $200+ for a Moonshine.
Surprised no one has yet mentioned the Fenwick Aetos. Best rod you can buy for around $200. I have caught thousands of trout on an aetos with a lamson guru reel. The fenwick punches way above its weight class, warranty is awesome, and the overall performance is top notch. I am usually against chinese made stuff, but bought my first one years ago when I was broke and desperately needed a new rod. It is the only thing made in china that I would ever tell someone to buy.
I was curious about that too. I was looking into “budget” rods awhile ago and that one consistently showed up at the top of the list. Ultimately I still don’t really fly fish much and don’t own one though so I can’t comment from experience.
I've never casted a Moonshine nor personally known anyone who owns one. I've been told (and read many times online) they're made with cheap Maxcatch blanks and are an overpriced marketing / snake oil brand. I have fished some Maxcatch rods and they're not bad at all but they're also $30 vs $200+ for a Moonshine.
Call them,( moonshine) they will tell you about the blanks and anything else you want to know about them . I fish with a guy that only uses high dollar sage rods, I catch just as many or more some times then he does. And casting his, I don't really see much differace. Distance and accuracy, presentaion are exactly the same. As far as I can tell. I am by no means a fly fishing expert either. But do fish alot.
Call them,( moonshine) they will tell you about the blanks and anything else you want to know about them . I fish with a guy that only uses high dollar sage rods, I catch just as many or more some times then he does. And casting his, I don't really see much differace. Distance and accuracy, presentaion are exactly the same. As far as I can tell. I am by no means a fly fishing expert either. But do fish alot.

That's great. I fish cheap Echo and Orvis rods and catch just as many fish as my buddies who have high end Sage/T&T etc. so I hear you there. I feel no need to spend more than 250 on a fishing rod. As I said I have no personal experience with Moonshine rods and was just parroting what I've heard/read. Glad to hear they'll tell you about their blanks if you call and that they fish well for you.
I have seen people mention Orvis several times. I know a lot of people on here have various reasons they will not buy from certain companies. I personally will never buy any thing from orvis again. When the supreme court overruled roe v wade, orvis said they would pay for their employees and employees immediate family to have abortions. I will not knowingly buy anything that the profits from will fund abortions. Just a heads up for anyone who cares.