Your brain on microplastics?

May 7, 2023
Tell me what you're considering bacteria. I work in water distribution and obviously if you're using tap, there has to be a chlorine risidual. Municipal water is tested for total coliform regularly which is an indicator for certain types of bacteria. That's about all that they care about. Yearly, you must report results from other tests such as lead, etc..
We test for chlorine every shift, has to be less then 0.08 ppm and is typically much lower then that (0.002 ppm). The in line sensor and the handheld have to be within +-0.04ppm. There are redundancies with all the testing which is being checked at the water farm after it's been purified by reverse osmosis and then at the filler with the water quality management system. Either should shut the line down if they get too far out of spec.

I was saying all this to say, that bottled water is much safer to drink then tap water. Yes the plastic breaks down after a year and a half (547 days) and you should drink it before. There are plastic liners in aluminum cans, so even if you're drinking liquid death, you're still ingesting plastic.
Sep 28, 2018
The benefits of flouride for children far outweigh any risk to a few points of IQ......of course in the proper %. Would you rather have a handful of kids with a few points lower IQ, meaning nothing in reality, or all kids walking around with rotted or no teeth? Yeah, keep reading bullshit!

You would have to drink hundreds of gallons of water to see benefit of fluorinated water. Higher benefit comes from fluorinated toothpaste or even better from foods like Asparagus and Spinach


Jan 12, 2021
Do you actually trust the government, big food, big pharma, FDA, CDC? From what I can tell, they have been poisoning us all for the last 60 years or so. Everyone is fat, sick, autism is through the roof, food allergies are crazy. Also, plastics and pesticides are lowering testosterone and increasing estrogen. It's lowered the age girls in the US go into puberty. You don't think this could also affect boys being trans or gay? What happens when you give little boys estrogen? The numbers are so crazy it can't be just coincidence. It's not conspiracy, why do you think they stopped using PBA? They got sued for boys growing breasts. Look this stuff up. Don't dismiss it as crazy nonsense. Not on MSNBC either. It seems to me, that our government hates us. They are willing to sacrifice all of our health for profit. I pray to God Trump gets in and turns RFK loose on the entire system.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
I'd be more concerned with fluoride in your drinking water.

Did anyone read this? I got on my wife, a dentist for this. She is very hippy dippy, yet isn’t anti fluoride. The drop is a supposed 4IQ point variance and they couldn’t specifically point to fluoride, I wouldn’t say that it is the damming evidence that some think it is


Jan 12, 2021
So if you wanted to take down the US and bring in a Global government without a war, how would you do it?

Destroy fighting aged men. Well, we made most of them obese and sluggish with terrible food and lowering testosterone. Then lowered their IQ.

Collapse the economy. They have done pretty well at this the last four years. Four more years and it will be over.

Allow society to fail, like California. Destroy our morals and values. Release criminals, allow drugs and homeless people to overrun everything.

Open the border and allow actual men, (not doughy useless men like we have) come in by the millions. Even better if they hate America.

Once everything gets bad enough, we will welcome Globalists to come save us.

After seeing them start the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan all based on lies and what they did during covid, I truly believe they want to destroy us. Anything for money and power. The media and the government have one thing in common, they want to destroy Trump. So who do you think you should trust?

I know I'm just a crazy right wing conspiracy theorist but I don't care.