Your brain on microplastics?

I’d be far more concerned about synthetic fibers in clothing permeating all water supplies than plastic bottles or utensils. Especially if those containers are not subjugated to high heat or abrasion. It’s not even comparable with how much mass the former sheds vs the latter… As an aside, I’ll admit it never sat well with me seeing people put boiling water in Nalgenes.

Our bodies are remarkable filters that repair and rebuild themselves. We have issue's today, but it’s not as if our ancestors were living pure. Food and water they ingested were littered with various naturally occurring toxins. Even the discovery of bacteria in the grand scheme is a relatively new concept. What we inadvertently ingest today is likely far less damaging than what our ancestors took in as a whole.

I’m not saying we ignore things like micro plastics or additives in our water, I think it’s great to stay vigilant. However we also can’t lose the forest from the trees. The huge brunt of our declining health is due to the abundance and availability of crap food/habits, and the fact that our brains and bodies just aren’t adapted to the current societal norms to resist them.