Your 2025 Goals

2025 hopefully is going to bring better fortune.

Probably should get off my ass and actually propose to my lady. She’s put up with my shit long enough to warrant her being an honest woman.

I’d like to be successful with my bow in whatever journey that may be. I need some redemption

Continue on my carnivore journey. It has been a pleasant and rewarding one so far… 6 month update to be posted at end of January.
Ultimate goal is to get down to 175 lbs (75 more to go)
I want to continue to get in better shape physically as well as advance in belt in Jiu jitsu

I’m starting to take my time with my decoys and really do quality vs quantity stuff. Feel like I’m always chasing my tail to try and get “just one” out before season.
The lessons I’ve been taking are starting to show in my carving … now it’s time to apply them to painting as well.

I want to make myself a rig , that I am proud of… something that resembles work of my mentors and I want to sit back this year … have a complete set of my own hand carved blocks that are animated / vibrant look like someone with maturity vs a 2 year old painted …
I have this whole perfect hunt idealized in my head - I want to paddle silently in the flooded timber …solo; just my self, dog (s) and man upstairs, feed calling mallards and the sound of snow hitting the water with my old A5 and old school cut down call.

Piggy backing off that … by 2026 I want to be able to enter and be a “threat” at the world shooting rig decoy competition… I’d be happy if I just placed

Want to finish my lab’s and chessies titles

also I NEED to become more financially responsible

I also NEED to not work so much. This year has been consumed with 100 hr weeks when not going on trips… mentally and physically can’t keep doing that
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Hunting fishing goals
1 Shoot a great buck on a bad rifle draw tag.
2 Shoot two bucks with my bow.
3 Shoot a 160+ whitetail.
4 Test some different broadheads out on deer.
5 Catch a 50lb flathead.

Personal goals
1 Move into a new house and rent out my current home.
2 purchase another rental home or duplex.
3 Improve relationships with friends and family.
#1 get the strength and mobility in my right ankle back to the 90th percentile of what it was and to be able to run a mile in under 8 minutes by June.

#2 shoot a mature mule deer north of US 12 in Idaho.
Finally kill a coyote, draw a MT Goat Tag. Actually make a even one friend to do camping/backpacking, hunting or shooting with.
Work on getting myself trained to be more of a supervisor role for the company I work for, instead of doing the physical part of it, get more into the thinking part of it. And learned to become the boss not the friend.
Keep working on strengthing my marriage with my wife, try to not put her on the back burner like I have in years past.
What are everyone’s biggest goals in 2025?

2025 is a big year for my wife and I. We are having our first child in June, I get out of the military in September and will hopefully be starting a new career right after. So my biggest goal is going to be making the transition out as smooth as possible for my wife and little girl. Don’t know how much hunting I’ll be doing in 2025 but always like watching others success on here.

So let’s see em, what are your goals for 2025?
Thanks for your service, and you've got an exciting year ahead! My wife and I are retired so our goals are lots more humble than yours - remodel one of our bathrooms and for me, compete in lever-action silhouette and attain Master classification. Have a great year - wishing you and your new family the best!
Figure out what is wrong with my right knee...It's been giving me random troubles and I'm pretty sure I know it's because I'm fat but it's happening more recently and I'm not as fat as I used to be.

Standard less fat, more strong
Finally kill a coyote, draw a MT Goat Tag. Actually make a even one friend to do camping/backpacking, hunting or shooting with.

Work on getting myself trained to be more of a supervisor role for the company I work for, instead of doing the physical part of it, get more into the thinking part of it. And learned to become the boss not the friend.

Keep working on strengthening my marriage with my wife, try to not put her on the back burner like I have in years past.
-----------Hard to come by making good hunting friends, but can be done, the trick is to be intentional about it, you have to be the friend first. Killing a coyote is almost as much fun as killing a good buck, the only thing better is killing a bobcat, or a really big one.
----------Thoughts on this, (First, you don't want to be a boss, you want to be a leader, you can lead from where you are. Second, read leadership books by Lucado, Maxwell, Lencioni, Blanchard, Carnegie (old but still relevant). Third, work on yourself and making yourself better everyday, a little a day, make sure you are knowledgeable in your field, you study it everyday. Fourth, set goals, set goals for everyday of the week (want to get technical, for every minute or hour) , every week of the year, every year, every 5 years, every 10 years, I guarantee you there is not one highly successful person that does not have goals set as I just mentioned.
-------------- That my friend is being intentional. How can I serve my wife today? We all need to become a servant to our wives, our kids, people at work. Think about this, at Christmas, did you like getting gifts or anxiously waiting to see the response of the gifts you gave, more? It is in giving we get our rewards most often.

No one is going to invest in you if you don't invest in yourself.

Two big pieces of advice I got a long time ago, pray with your wife and for your wife everyday Davy. Put God First. Guess which one needs to be first? The second, Davy, you and your wife need to set a budget and go over it each week or at the end of the month, this is quality time, I assure you.
To the OP, thank you for your service!

I used to be a fairly avid runner. I think I was up to around a dozen half & full marathons but my last half was over a decade ago. I registered for another half this summer in an attempt to get my fat ass back in shape. I hope to complete that in less than 2 hours.

Handful of home projects and a dock building project at the cabin in Canada.

No big adventures as far as hunts on the books, but I do hope to draw a MT mule deer tag with my dad again.
There are a lot of guys on here mentioning loosing weight or improving fitness. This is not only a a good goal for improved longevity, but it will helped tremendously in the field when it comes to going that extra mile.

If you are just starting out, start slow. Treat is like a freeway that you enter and exit from. Slowly build up and slowly take a break here and there. Most people start off too strong and burn themselves out.
Get my ass in shape. Sheep hunt in Aug 2026 will be here before I know it and I really want to give it my all.
Jumping back into the workforce. Been a stay at home dad sence 2018, youngest start school full time next fall.
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