I agree its not easy, no one said that. And even if you were a billionaire, a feat like the Slam would take an extraordinary level of commitment and skill. I would love to hear your details, thoughts and/or numbers on that. PM me if that's better. I will read up on Mr. Ensign but my first thought is he started his Slam over 30yrs. A time when a hunter could roll into a lot of mountain ranges for almost nothing and take a bunch of different animals that were very plentiful. A time when "mandatory guide requirement" was not a term. The hunting world has drastically changed since then.
Your first thought is not correct. Jake got his sheep slam in one year (4 consecutive hunts) and it was fairly recent, 2008 or so. That was toward the end of his super slam, but he pretty much did 5-6 hunts each year and did not have to repeat many - so call it 6-8 years start to finish.
I have three friends who are serious archers that have done 8 combined Dall bow hunts in AK and BC and have one ram between them. Every guide I talked to in AK(dozens) told me if u cant afford to do 2-3 hunts, just come with the rifle. Stories Tom Miranda relays about his quest for the Slam would correlate with these numbers.
Having gone down that path, being 1 for 8 on dalls suggests your friends either went with the wrong outfitters, had extraordinarily bad luck, or simply are not very skilled bowhunters - however serious they may be. The better outfitters in the NWT run ~85% success with bowhunters, and the outfitter I killed my ram with, Gana River Outfitters, is 5 for 5 over the past 2 years with bowhunters. And I think it took Tom 2 days to kill his dall at South Nahanni.
For a reference, it took Tom Miranda, a pretty awesome bowhunter, 54 hunts to complete his Slam.
Tom is a great guy and his slam is a really tremendous accomplishment, but truthfully I do not think he is much better than average as a bowhunter. I do not say that to disparage, but just watching what little I have of his shows reflects rookie mistakes, such as waiting until animals come out from behind cover to draw his bow and getting behind rather than in front of cover. Skilled bowhunters simply don't make those sorts of mistakes. I applaud him for the dedication it took to go on those 54 hunt to complete his slam and I do not say this to diminish his achievement, but the salient point here is I do not think that his experience should be considered representative.
And unless he spent on average $55,000 hunt, you previous suggestion that it would take $3MM (a million plus a couple more million) to get a super slam is way off base. A skilled bowhunter could likely get it done for $750,000 plus or minus, and I would guesstimate it would take ~1.2-1.3 hunters per species to get it done.
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