You failed to include the first paragraph, which reads (copied and pasted directly from YOUR link):
Proposed amendments to restricted weapons
The Utah Wildlife Board tasked the DWR with establishing a technology committee to revisit which types of new technologies and weapons should be allowed for hunting in Utah. A diverse committee of various stakeholders was formed to create some updated rules. As a result, the DWR is recommending a few changes to only restricted weapons hunts for archery, handguns, muzzleloaders, shotguns and rifles, including during the HAMS (handgun, archery, muzzleloader and shotgun) hunts. If this recommendation passes, this would allow the DWR to create new restricted weapon hunts in addition to the archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunt types currently allowed for in rule. This recommendation WILL NOT discontinue the current hunt types but would be in addition to them.
In other words, the changes they are proposing are to ONLY the restricted weapons hunts (see the bolded portion in the middle of the first paragraph). In other words, they will be adding restricted weapons hunts in addition to the hunts that are currently available (last sentence, that I've bolded and made giant text).
Basically, these "restricted weapons" hunts where guys can hunt like in the good ol' days with lever action 30-30's without having to compete with guys running modern setups and cartridges. So no compound bows in a restricted archery season, no modern rifles with optics and such on a restricted rifle season, and no inline scoped muzzleloaders on a restricted muzzleloader season.
The hunts will still be there, all Utah is proposing is spreading out the pressure by separating guys who want to hunt with old technology into their own hunts, and keeping modern seasons where guys can run their long range rigs, modern muzzleloaders, and modern compound bows. Personally, I'm ok with it. Everybody has their own way of hunting and their own idea of what they do and do not want to do, so just separate those people so they don't have to trip over eachother.
The more I read into everything Utah is doing, it seems like they're trying to go the way of states like Colorado, with more seasons available to draw tags for but each season being shorter.
The DWR is too reliant on hunter participation and money influxes. If they outlawed scoped rifles and made everyone hunt like Wyatt Earp and Davey Crockett, 90% of guys would just jump ship and hunt other states. Which some people would love, because lEsS pReSsUrE or whatever. But there wouldn't be enough money coming in to support the DWR, which would minimize hunting opportunities because they wouldn't have the funding to support the management of the animals. Instead, they're offering opportunities for all by separating guys who want to hunt with different weapons systems. I'm all for it, personally.