I'm expecting all you guys that drew region H tags to report back on how things went, whether you tagged out or not!
Looking forward to seeing some pics of good bucks!
I was planning on getting out there for the archery season but a little arthroscopic surgery 4 weeks ago forced a plan B.
So far the doc's are giving the green light for me to hobble after the deer by the end of the month so I'm hopeful that a few days of hunting at the end of the season will be enough for me to accommodate your request.
Arrived last Saturday (10/1) late afternoon and stretched my legs a bit. If I'd had a doe tag I could have filled within 5 minutes (a foreshadowing of things to come).
Hunted my "plan A" area Sunday (10/2) and found two bucks in a likely spot, one small guy whose face you (hopefully) can see in the pic and another larger deer whose antlers are just to the right. He was a rather nice 3x3 with some trash on the sides who I was not about to pass up on my first solo/diy/high-country hunt.View attachment 41308
Try to post the picture again, its not working!