Wyoming proposal to slash Non-resident hunters


Mar 22, 2014
Tullahoma, TN
Because I have invested for many years into the preference point system for the opportunity at a moose permit. If 90/10 passes, that investment and opportunity would be completely taken away. I would literally have zero chance at a tag in my lifetime. I'll pay more for the permit to help the WG&F but I refuse to sit and allow my investment to be stolen without a fight.

This is exactly my situation. I've got (iirc) 12 years invested in moose points, plus another 6 for elk. If this passes, all the moose points will be essentially useless. I was hoping to draw in the next 5 years, but this would realistically move that goal out by decades.
Next year, I'll be burning my elk points on a general tag & I guess shitcanning the moose.
It's grossly unfair to points holders to shift the goalposts. I'll still travel out the every year, but WGF have seen my last dime. Not that they'll care.
Apr 21, 2015
Its really really simple
NR don’t live in that state, the state owns the game, they could say no NR hunting period or really do whatever they want because they are supposed to hold and maintain the wildlife for the residents of said state. so they get to choose whether they want to charge 4-5 times for the tag and allow however many NR Hunters in as a PRIVILEGE. they don’t owe you anything and if you don’t like it don’t come and hunt. it really is that simple, not saying it doesn’t suck I have points in WY. but life isn’t always fair

You state the obvious as if you think folks don't already know and understand that.

My comments weren't about being "fair", "privilege", or anyone owing anyone anything. My comments were about funding.

Yes, Wyoming could cut off NR completely. But that would be funding suicide. The question/comment in my post was along the lines of where does the cut off between maintaining funding and hampering funding due to disenchantment of NR hunters lie.

Nevada has a similar pricing structure and Tag allotment and they sell those tags, so I expect Wyoming will as well.


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Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
This is an entire thread where one side shouts life isn't supposed to be fair and your not entitled to anything, all the while whining about how it's not fair and they are entitled to more tags "good" tags.

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Aug 25, 2015
One of the best things about hunting is each hunter getting to choose if or when they take an animal. These forums are something else....one day a youtube hunter is criticized for killing a raghorn bull...turn around and if a hunter doesn't fill all their tags they shouldn't buy them. Which is it?
It sounded like you purposely bought tags with the intent of not using them, because you thought the particular animal was over hunted? Which if true denied the tags from someone who would have used it? If that's true, it speaks volumes of your character to me. If that's wrong, let me know and I'll edit this out.

Hunting is personal....you buy a tag, your choice to do with it what you choose. Your money, your tag, your business.
Absolutely, however, when you talk about it on a public forum expect to get scrutinized and judged.


Sep 6, 2014
There are only 7250 tags available, if 5000 with 7pts or more put in that leaves 2250 for people with 6pts or less. Say the next 3000 have 6pts, that means the general tag will take 6pts to draw vs 2-3pts it currently takes.

Also are you willing to spend $600 for an antelope, also my example was more for elk, I’m not really sure what the antelope draw will look like.

For 600, I'd do it once for a buck opportunity. I have wanted one for a looong time and I ain't getting any younger lol. But if that opportunity has now become out of reach with the new regs, I won't purchase any more points there and find another option.



Aug 25, 2015
This is an entire thread where one side shouts life isn't supposed to be fair and your not entitled to anything, all the while whining about how it's not fair and they are entitled to more tags "good" tags.
Then there's me. I see the proposed tag increases and see 90 to 10 split, however there's talk about the same number tags, but less quality ones that no one will agree on. Would someone explain for instance how the elk and deer general and limited tags shakes out? Or is this up in the air? Thanks


Dec 31, 2020
States want NR's to apply, they just don't want to give them tags. States want easy revenue. Like the old Carnival barkers, they let people win enough that others notice and put their money down but they really aren't very good odds for guaranteed expense. Like gambling, the house always wins. Outfitters want NR hunters but on terms that benefits them and residents don't want NR at all because they don't realize what it would cost them if NR simply stopped buying licenses, applying for tags and supporting local business.

If NR would take a couple of years off and stop buying licenses and applying for tags, it would likely get someones attention. Hotels, grocery stores, restaurants, local gun shops etc.,would all be impacted. If that happened, resident costs would have to go up significantly to cover the revenue shortfall and likely services would be equally reduced. Likely won't ever happen because there are people who truly don't care about cost or the odds. Thats why Vegas is rich.

I hunt states I can get tags in. I don't give others my money. I have never applied to Wyoming for anything.
I stop in Laramie and Pinedale on my way to hunt other states. I love to elk hunt but I can hunt whitetail in multiple states a year without issue. Same with pheasants. I go out of state for spring turkey and bear as well. All a lot cheaper and relatively easy to get tags. I try very hard not to waste time complaining about any one states process or what my odds are. I just go somewhere else, have fun and order a pizza when I get home. When it comes to hunting I try very hard to keep it simple. YMMV.
I always have open cots in my camps for guys like you.


Mar 16, 2016
This is an entire thread where one side shouts life isn't supposed to be fair and your not entitled to anything, all the while whining about how it's not fair and they are entitled to more tags "good" tags.

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You could mesh this thread with the "points systems" thread and the overall theme would be the same.


Feb 2, 2017
I grew up in Wyoming and am only specifically regarding moose in Wyoming. I had to move for my career but intend to go back in retirement in 15-20 years. I have zero issue with a 90/10 split in any state and I'm frankly thankful for the opportunity. My issue is that if this change happens, my investment will have literally been stolen. It is a crime and I intend to pursue legal actions- however fruitless they may be. I'm guessing a few others will stand on my side of the fence to help.

I would have no issue if part of this proposal fairly addressed the thousands of people who will lose their investment.
Sorry but you were never guaranteed a moose tag with those PP, WG&F states that PP are only a way to improve your odds, not a tag guarantee.
No guarantees for licenses in Wyoming.
I do see your point, however I was in that boat with Colorado and just gave up on my PP and drawing a moose tag. I saw the writing on the wall a few years after I started accruing them.


Mar 12, 2018
So are you just as angry at the other states that previously moved to a 90/10 model? Or just because you have invested specifically in WY?
I have specifically invested time and money in Wyoming over the last 7 years because Wyoming offered non-residents a better chance than other western states. Call it good customer service, wanting to stand apart for the others, and wanting to generate NR income. In my opinion that's great customer service, and worth me and my friends investing our money and time in Wyoming.

Just because other states do it, does it mean Wyoming should follow them? Perhaps Wyoming can set itself apart, be the one state that offer a fair opportunity for the dollar. A system was built on tags, points and a certain % allocated to non-residents. To change the system is nothing more than the state breaking their word.

Just my humble opinion. We can agree to disagree.
Feb 29, 2012
How does a bunch of point holders burning their points equate to a large point creep? Truly just trying to understand and decide whether or not to continue to buy antelope points.


The year they burn them would be the biggest impact.

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Jan 25, 2018
This bill just died in the Senate TRW committee 4-1.

Tag allocations in Wyoming is a topic that will be addressed by the Task Force over the course of the next year to 18 months.

Here is more information on the task force. If nonresidents want to be involved, meetings will be held publicly.



Apr 17, 2020
Sorry but you were never guaranteed a moose tag with those PP, WG&F states that PP are only a way to improve your odds, not a tag guarantee.
No guarantees for licenses in Wyoming.
I do see your point, however I was in that boat with Colorado and just gave up on my PP and drawing a moose tag. I saw the writing on the wall a few years after I started accruing them.
I completely understand there was never a guarantee. They were intended to improve my odds of drawing. However, if this were to pass, those odds would be removed. I, along with thousands of others, would have zero chance of ever drawing.
Feb 29, 2012
I would say the task force changes allocation to some degree. Glad it is back in the game departments hands.

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