Wyoming HB0002, max nr app fee of $75

The NR privledge argument might work if the goal post wasn’t being moved, along with the prices constantly being changed.

Wyoming put up a system to help maybe one day draw a tag. Took money for it, moved the goal post and raised the fees. I don’t see how anyone can think it’s okay to allow someone to invest thousands for an opportunity to get a tag only to have the rug pulled from under them.
Everything in life is subject to change. homeowners insurance rates, auto insurance, property taxes, all is a moving goal post. All things that we pay for based on other people being in the same pool.

With respect it seems naive to think States aren't going to change when the people that live in the state are being overcrowded. I have some great stories to tell about awesome out of state hunters, but when the woods are full, they're full. For example, out of state hunters buy more tags for archery than in-state hunters in Colorado, or close.

Do out of state hunters think they are helping their cause by flocking to the state? The issue is going to spill over into rifle seasons to where out of state hunters cause a change in regulations and ability draw tags quite frankly. What was a good solution 20 years ago and what seemed like a fair and equitable solution 20 years ago is off the table as a result of overcrowding. The honest, in the mirror question, is where does he overcrowding come from?
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Everything in life is subject to change. homeowners insurance rates,auot insurance, property taxes, all is a moving goal post. With respect it seems naive to think States aren't going to change when the people that live in the state are being overcrowded. I have some great stories to tell about awesome out of state hunters, but when the woods are full, they're full. For example, out of state Hunters buy more tags for archery than in-state hunters in Colorado, or close. Do out of state hunters think they are helping their cause by flocking to the state? The issue is going to spill over into rifle seasons to where out of state hunters cause a change in regulations and ability draw tags quite frankly. What was a good solution 20 years ago and what seemed like a fair and equitable solution 20 years ago is off the table as a result of overcrowding.

We are talking two different things.

Taking care of its residents… good. Limiting nr when needed…. Good. Charging appropriate fees in relation to inflation and rising costs…. Understandable. Regardless of where I’m hunting I would like a good experience, if that takes waiting and some extra cash so be it, I can do it when I can afford it or see it as worth while.

Having someone paying thousands of dollars into a draw system to continually change fees and rules for what is starting to appear to be a complete cash grab is completely different. People who have put thousands of dollars into wyomings economy for nothing are getting the rug pulled from under them and people are cheering them on.

You are spouting things that do not pertain to the post in the original thread. I have news for you though, everywhere is full. Pressure is increasing everywhere Iv been, for everything. You want to preserve hunting heritage or just continue to make it a pay to play endeavor? Not talking just a few western states but anywhere. Decent hunting is becoming increasingly harder to come by, of course unless you have an extra 10k to blow.

For some of us, these are the good old days.
I can see where you're coming from. I should keep Colorado out of it. It is an issue in most/all Western states. I don't hear about it in eastern states though, is it the grandeur of the West that is the draw? Some eastern states have a million+(!) deer and multiple tags per license.

Can't restock elk in the west like fish in a stream. That seems to be the focus of most discussions about western fees. Guys would not come out here to hunt a mule deer or an antelope with the same vigor if elk were not on the table,IMO. Yes, and states are willing to make money on the folks that want to visit their state. If they are willing to pay, states are shameless in making money in order to attempt to limit overcrowding.
I can see where you're coming from. I should keep Colorado out of it. It is an issue in most/all Western states. I don't hear about it in eastern states though, is it the grandeur of the West that is the draw? Some eastern states have a million+(!) deer and multiple tags per license.

Can't restock elk in the west like fish in a stream. That seems to be the focus of most discussions about western fees. Guys would not come out here to hunt a mule deer or an antelope with the same vigor if elk were not on the table,IMO. Yes, and states are willing to make money on the folks that want to visit their state. If they are willing to pay, states are shameless in making money in order to attempt to limit overcrowding.

Yea, Colorado, you have way bigger fish to fry. If you could see what your state is going to pay for wolf research going forward it would probably make you sick. And no you cannot make more elk when wolves are hammering the calfs. Good luck, we are right there in misery with you in wolf land in wi.

The incessant raising of prices, in any state, heck mine, to hunt is only hurting the blue collar hunter. That’s what I don’t understand. Happening in the Midwest too. You can’t find access because you’re competing with rich people who have 4 leases and 20 cell game cams. But people will beat that drum all day, eff em raise the prices. Everything goes up then, prices, fees, land access. And state agencies don’t care to make the product any better.
I've followed the wolf reintroduction closely. It's a cluster. I'm absolutely proud of the ranchers for waiting until the 11th hour at the end of the year to put in almost 6/10 of a million dollars of claims for depredation and loss.

As most know, the whole Fiasco passed in the voter's eyes by 1% at best, and none of the counties dealing with the problem we're in favor of it, by a wide margin. There's a ballot initiative getting signatures to remove the ability to make ballot initiatives law by voter choice. If it passes, then there will be no more. However what happens when folks get signatures to remove that and make ballot initiatives legitimate again?