Wyoming HB 00600: Dang those "grass-gobbling elk"

Properties need to be big in WY. Stocking rates for grazing are pretty high in most of the west and profit per animal unit is low. The only way to make it work is numbers. A lot of ranchers are asset rich and cash poor.

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Properties need to be big in WY. Stocking rates for grazing are pretty high in most of the west and profit per animal unit is low. The only way to make it work is numbers. A lot of ranchers are asset rich and cash poor.

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Sell elk hunts.

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Imagine if Missouri, Alabama, Iowa, etc reimbursed their farmers for what whitetail, rabbits, turkey, ducks, geese eat.
This is another rancher welfare handout.
Why you ask?
Because from the governor on down, the politicians in Wyoming are all ranchers.
Those states don't need to do that. Those are farming states, not ranching. They have the farm lobby. Farms subsidies and ranch subsidies are completely different.

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The dangerous thing about this bill is that it mandates these payments come out of the Game and Fish budget instead of the general fund. Estimates by G&F indicated this could easily run into the millions of dollars per year.

The sponsors/ag lobby of this bill want to "teach Game and Fish a lesson for letting the elk herd get to where it's at" to paraphrase an ag lobbyist. Hunter and angler dollars unexpectedly going to fund this program could be devastating to the agency's budget. G&F has a 5 year plan to manage these elk. Let's give the experts their space to do that. HB60 is no better than ballot box biology! Politicians shouldn't mandate how to manage wildlife.

This bill needs killed. Tell the Rec Committee how this is a bad deal for G&F before noon Friday.

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Since when was this not the case? Many ranchers and farmers would shoot on site any elk, deer, antelope etc they found on their property. Then they discovered they had a value so tresspass fees became a thing and leases and more outfitters/guides. Now a lot of these guys can double dip. Charge hunters, while not allowing enough to cut back the population on their ranch...deny access to people who would happily shoot a few elk, then charge the government (taxpayer) for having too many elk on their place.

I know a bunch of good ranchers that like the wildlife around, take care of their land, and let people hunt. They get too many elk or deer on their place. They let people come and kill some does or cows.
This is exactly what I saw this year in Wyoming. One of the biggest landowners in the unit was complaining that there were too many elk and they were damaging his ranch. The unit used to be a 10+ point unit. Wyoming changed it to a general unit and now the public land, which only has one access point, is being hammered. The landowner will not allow people to cross a small piece of his private to access big chunks of public. He conveniently is also an outfitter and can now sell way more hunts because there are way more eligible tag holders.
It’s becoming a problem in multiple states in areas with lots of private land. I’m glad to see this bill die and hope they come up with a solution.
It’s becoming a problem in multiple states in areas with lots of private land. I’m glad to see this bill die and hope they come up with a solution.
I'll probably get thrown out of the state for saying it but ... To be honest, I'd love to see more nonresident opportunity to have a crack at these burgeoning herds. I'm sure one of the main challenges lies in access to private land, but I'd say let the out of staters at least take a crack at it
How many of the ranchers who have "elk problems" run their cattle in the mountains or foothills in the summer on FS or BLM ( aka Public) land while haying their own and then bring the cows down in the fall?
Of course the elk come down.

Growing up in Wisconsin we had a neighbor who did custom combining. He'd combine all the neighbors'
corn and leave his till the snow was too deep. Then he'd collect for deer damage, which was worth more than his crummy crop.

Farmers and ranchers are generally the greatest welfare queens in America. Not a matter of hating or loving them, it's just a fact.

Ethanol anyone?
I say if you want agriculture on your land and have it not eaten by big ole elk and mule deer you should move EAST. That's what I did. I got so tired of all these 360 plus bulls in my yard I packed my family up and moved to Iowa. Got tired of seeing 6 ft corn stalks on Instagram, never able to get my mitts on them.

It was an adjustment but look at me now.