Wyo Gen Archery II - Are you shooting?

I'd shoot him, but I don't really like shooting bulls that I haven't gone round and round with. If I have a good encounter going I already know he's a good bull and I've already made up my mind at that point that I'm shooting whatever he is. But just having one stumble in silently.......that's not really my game, or why I'm out there. That's why I ignore the silent ones that sneak in, and don't worry about busting them out.
Depends if you're into conservation enough to try a mature animal or if you're wanting to fill your tag above all.
I'd bet that bull is ~6 yrs old. Is that mature enough? Take into account that the world record typical archery bull shot in MT was 6yrs old.....
I am shooting!

As an aside, I completely don't understand the whole "don't pass on the first day what you would shoot on the last day" mantra.
I passed bigger bulls last year. I tell my kids "shoot what gets you excited" for my 10 year old that'd be any elk, but my 17 year old has killed elk and would want a decent bull. This bull doesn't do it for me anymore. Don't let others define success for you.
Same game.

You used 5 PPs to draw a Wyo Gen tag.

You can only hunt the archery season and only have 6 days to hunt.

You’re set up on a wallow and this bull comes in, wallows and starts to walk off.

Distance is 25yds

Are you shooting?

(I got this pic on my trail cam up in Wyo a few years ago)

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Shoot whatever bull makes you happy!
Day one at first light i would not think twice Im shooting. I would not care what weapon i was using bow, rifle, sling shot and would be happy as a hog in shit with that bull