WY Corner crossing update

Here is what I came up with. I’m not a lawyer but I would suppose the original land owners in the corner crossing would be arguing that they haven’t constructed any enclosure and therefore aren’t restricting access and aren‘t claiming exclusive use of the public land.
Possession- effectively the purchasing private or.trqding a few.private parcels for.public land with the intent to keep people.from accessing public land could.easily.be interpreted as inclosing.
I realize that there are properties that completely surround public lands, without corners available for crossing.
That doesn't make it ethical or just for a landowner to enjoy exclusive access to property that he or she doesn't own exclusively. As demand for.access to public lands increases and more people become aware of the situation I expect there to be more legal challenges.
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Possession- effectively the purchasing private or.trqding a few.private parcels for.public land with the intent to keep people.from accessing public land could.easily.be interpreted as inclosing.
I realize that there are properties that completely surround public lands, without corners available for crossing.
That doesn't make it ethical or just for a landowner to enjoy exclusive access to property that he or she doesn't own exclusively. As demand for.access to public lands increases and more people become aware of the situation I expect there to be more legal challenges.
Oh, I agree. There should not be one square inch of public land that isn’t legally accessible by the public, IMO. Land that is public that is surrounded by private should have an easement or the government and the property owner should have to come to some type of swap agreement to exchange land that is accessible.
While buzzh isn’t around anymore to update us lol, corner crossing has been deemed legal.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit has affirmed the legality of corner crossing, a major victory for hunters, anglers, and all public lands users. This decision upholds the right to access millions of acres of public land.

In their ruling, the Tenth Circuit Justices concluded,

"Iron Bar cannot implement a program which has the effect of "deny[ing] access to [federal] public lands for lawful purposes[.] "So the district court was correct to hold that the Hunters could corner-cross as long as they did not physically touch Iron Bar's land. We affirm."

The ruling confirms that landowners cannot block access to public land by claiming private ownership of the airspace above a property corner. As long as public land users do not physically touch private land, corner crossing is LEGAL.

This landmark decision applies to Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming - setting a precedent that could shape public land access nationwide.
Open the doors for a company to make corner crossing apparatus's. Would be great if the federal government would implement that at the corners of their properties. Give some sweetheart deal to someone. We waste more on less anyway, might as well put it to good use.
I like it, permanently install the air-crossing ladder at all corners so there's no dispute or guessing where a corner is.
The government should go in now and request a 6’ easement at the corners to allow access from one government property to another . They should pay the landowner for that privilege and create a fenced trail to keep you on government property. Otherwise, the landowners could basically build a 5’ long fence at their corners x high that prevents crossings thus just making for more days in court.
What a great day to be a public land hunter. I work for the BLM, I hit my 2 year anniversary with the agency next month. This case was one of many things that spurred my interest in a career with the BLM, beyond grateful for this outcome.