Would you buy this scope?

I'd be in for at least two, possibly more depending on price. I currently have a few 2.5-10 NXS scopes on hunting rifles and really wish something like that was offered in FFP. Size, weight and reliability are great on the NXS but the reticle options and lack of FFP keep me searching for the holy grail of hunting scopes.
Sounds sort of like a copy of a Bushnell LRHS...I find the I believe G2H reticle easy to use at min magnification.

If that is the case I'd be very interested depending on actual finished price.

Also, thank you for keep 40mm or at most 44mm objectives. Absolutely sickening the amount of 50mm or 56mm objectives out there for absolutely ZERO reason.
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Sounds sort of like a copy of a Bushnell LRHS...I find the I believe G2H reticle easy to use at min magnification.

If that is the case I'd be very interested depending on actual finished price.

Also, thank you for keep 40mm or at most 44mm objectives. Absolutely sickening the amount of 50mm or 56mm objectives out there for absolutely ZERO reason.
G2H is an awesome reticle. I like it as much or more than the maven SHR-MIL
For 600 yards I would rather it was a fixed 6x, 2-10 or 3-9 if it would keep the cost down. Something in the $500-$700 is much more in my budget personally. But I’m sure the 1k price point would sell just fine for ya.
I agree with this for sure.
I think the OPs scope is almost the “ideal” hunting scope, but if they offered a 6x that cost less, that would make a great combo. Put a 3-12 on the main hunting rifle, and put the 6x on your .223 trainer.
Absolutely. 1-2 for me, and I have at least 3 buddies that don't rokslide that would go for it.

PLEASE have NF make it. I would still buy if it's the normal LOW turret used by Trijicon/Maven/etc but it would be perfect if it had those crisp NF turrets!
I'd be in for at least two, possibly more depending on price. I currently have a few 2.5-10 NXS scopes on hunting rifles and really wish something like that was offered in FFP. Size, weight and reliability are great on the NXS but the reticle options and lack of FFP keep me searching for the holy grail of hunting scopes.

Basically with very few exceptions, the people making decisions do not hunt seriously in broken terrain, don’t shoot very much- if they do it’s usually PRS, etc, etc. The idea that there is a market for a reliable and durable, mid power scope designed correctly with FFP mil reticle and turrets is ridiculous to them. They would rather compete with the 287 other scopes that chase 2-80x magnification and reticles that make no functional sense. Even when a scope company got it right, they can’t understand why it’s selling.

There's riches in niches. Very cool to see you guys exploring this.
… the people making decisions do not hunt seriously in broken terrain, don’t shoot very much- if they do it’s usually PRS, etc, etc. The idea that there is a market for a reliable and durable, mid power scope designed correctly with FFP mil reticle and turrets is ridiculous to them…. Even when a scope company got it right, they can’t understand why it’s selling.
So weird that is the case. Boggles my mind that these companies don’t get some good consultants, or get the wrong ones. Crazy that they don’t read these forums and see what their target market actually wants.

Is SWFA completely clueless about the popularity of their 6x?

Maven is not a well known company outside of a few forums/podcasts. You think they would see the marketing value in being able to say “we are the preferred scope for the RSS, and western hunting in general”.

I think this is what the people who want 5-6× zoom are missing. Way easier to make a ffp reticle good at low and high power if the zoom is only 4x.

I think. I have zero reticle design knowledge. I just learned what ffp was like two years ago. At most. So I could be wrong.
Scope specs:

FFP 3-12x40 to 3-12x44mm

For whatever objective and ocular arrangement you go with, please choose formats/specs that are already widely used, so that Tenebraex already has compatible items in stock. I hunt in both dusty and snowy environments, and use their scope caps whenever possible.

Scope specs:

Good glass

I'd like to see this defined in very functional terms.

Specifically not the BS "xx% light transmission" numbers companies throw out, but functional in terms of what I can expect it to do in low, dim shadows and twilight. As in, "Allows for complete visibility of both reticle and antler tines at 200 yards in the open 23 minutes after sunset", along with usability comparisons, like "Matches NF/Maven/Leupold by the minute after sunset."
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I think this is what the people who want 5-6× zoom are missing. Way easier to make a ffp reticle good at low and high power if the zoom is only 4x.

I think. I have zero reticle design knowledge. I just learned what ffp was like two years ago. At most. So I could be wrong.
The Eotech Vudu does a decent job of being two different reticles on their LPVO. At 1x its basiscally a circle with a dot.. all you need. at 8x its a milldot reticle.