Worst Rifles


Jun 12, 2020
I have a Remington 783 in .223 Rem. At first it was a PITA because the magazine wasn't properly holding the rounds in. So sometimes when you were cycling the action, a round would pop out when it wasn't supposed to and you'd have things like traffic jams of 2 rds in the action opening.

Eventually washing the magazine with detergent in order to make sure it had no grease or oils in there. And I can't remember, but I think I may have ever so slightly increased the bend inward towards each other of the two lips at the top of the magazine, and I haven't had a feeding issue since. It was always a very accurate shooter though.


Jun 10, 2021
I've shot many, many different rifles for groups over the years. I set up optics, sight rifles in and find ammo they prefer for family, co-workers, friends and their friends lol. It's a cheap way to get a ton of free range time with different riles. (I also think of it as a favor to the deer)

The biggest take aways I've gotten over the years is
1. How sickeningly little the average hunter in my area practice.
2. How accurate the average new rifle is these days.

Accuracy wise I've never shot a Ruger M77 that I would hunt with. I've probably wrestled with a dozen. Even had twin new Hawkeyes myself at one point I finall gave up on. I keep hoping to find a sub moa M77 but never have. Recently shot one in a heavy barrel 22-250. Beautiful rifle, hideous groups.
Apr 3, 2018
NC Montana
Remlin levers for sure. JM stamp or forget about it.
Agreed, had a 2014ish made Marlin 1895 that the holes for scope bases were drilled diagonally across the receiver. Couldn't mount an xs long rail or zero scope. First trip to Remington they said it was fine and sent it back, second trip I included hi res photos of how the rail extended diagonally out across the barrel. They said they clocked the barrel so the dovetail for the rear sight mount would meet the crooked sight rail now. Posted photos and issues on Marlin forum and someone got me the contact info for a Big Dog at Marlin. They swapped out the rifle after that.


Jan 24, 2020
I've shot many, many different rifles for groups over the years. I set up optics, sight rifles in and find ammo they prefer for family, co-workers, friends and their friends lol. It's a cheap way to get a ton of free range time with different riles. (I also think of it as a favor to the deer)

The biggest take aways I've gotten over the years is
1. How sickeningly little the average hunter in my area practice.
2. How accurate the average new rifle is these days.

Accuracy wise I've never shot a Ruger M77 that I would hunt with. I've probably wrestled with a dozen. Even had twin new Hawkeyes myself at one point I finall gave up on. I keep hoping to find a sub moa M77 but never have. Recently shot one in a heavy barrel 22-250. Beautiful rifle, hideous groups.
Most of the M77s that I have are 1" guns at best. I lucked out and found 2 Heavy Barrel M77s in 223 and 22-250 that shoot a ragged hole. Aside from that, the others all leave alot to be desired. Hate to say that, because i grew up with them and absolutely love the guns aside from the main purpose they were built for.


Jan 30, 2016
Mine was a Marlin 30-30 I got when I was 14. Missed a bunch of deer with it and couldn’t wait to get a bolt action. Fast forward about 30 years and that old lever action shoots just fine. Youth buck fever…..

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Jun 10, 2021
Almost forgot in addition to the Ruger M77 being on my "worst of all time" list I must also place the Thompson Center Encore Pro Hunter with it.

How something designed to be so simple can be such a finicky drama queen is beyond me! I've officially spent as much money trying to accurize mine as I did buying the damn thing.