Simple question: does anyone else have a hunting rifle sporting a wood stock AND a carbon fiber barrel?
When my new 6ARC arrived today, I realized I haven't seen a wood/CF combo before.
I didn't want a cheap plastic stock and feel a CF stock wasn't needed in a light rifle. I got the CF barrel because ... I just wanted to have a rifle with a CF barrel in the safe,
B/c it rarely rains in Texas, I am not worried about the stock getting wet. If it is likely to rain, I'll just have my son use my .223 or 6.5CM. I think my son is going to love hunting deer with me. It is light, small, and doesn't recoil. It is the perfect rifle for a kid who has sensory issues.
When my new 6ARC arrived today, I realized I haven't seen a wood/CF combo before.
I didn't want a cheap plastic stock and feel a CF stock wasn't needed in a light rifle. I got the CF barrel because ... I just wanted to have a rifle with a CF barrel in the safe,
B/c it rarely rains in Texas, I am not worried about the stock getting wet. If it is likely to rain, I'll just have my son use my .223 or 6.5CM. I think my son is going to love hunting deer with me. It is light, small, and doesn't recoil. It is the perfect rifle for a kid who has sensory issues.