I got some outside porch and pavillion exposed wood and this has happened over this winter.
Whats a guy to do?
I asked around to local stain guys and I get the "I ve never seen that before "
Is there a cleaner/killer that I can spray and then stain the wood darker maybe?
Thanks ,I kind thought bleach was best and probably cheapest too.
Is there a stain that prevents it from happening again, or a stain to avoid?
I have been staying away from polyurethane due to flaking and peeling problems.
Your work is now done in seconds! Simply spray it on any hard surfaces and watch the mold stains disappear within 15 seconds. Simple and Quick! It's our powerful bleach-based patent pending formula.
you can get it in small amounts at Lowes, Home depot, Amazon and the like. I recommend the Pro version.
I have tried both. With bleach it took a lot of scrubbing. With RMR 86 Pro, spray it and prepare to be amazed. When I saw it on youtube after trying the bleach, I said "BS". Then sent the company an email thanking them for a great product.