Won a Mossberg Patriot Predator

Ridge Runner

Dec 23, 2012
Boise, ID
I won a Mossberg Patriot Predator in a 6.5 Creedmore at a RMEF banquet this weekend. Hoping I can get the gunshop to swap it for the 7mm PRC. Haven't researched the Mossberg yet and hoping for some insight in whether it is a solid shooter and something I would like to add to my safe. Been looking for something for my son hoping this might fit the bill. Any insight is appreciated.
I won a Mossberg Patriot Predator in a 6.5 Creedmore at a RMEF banquet this weekend. Hoping I can get the gunshop to swap it for the 7mm PRC. Haven't researched the Mossberg yet and hoping for some insight in whether it is a solid shooter and something I would like to add to my safe. Been looking for something for my son hoping this might fit the bill. Any insight is appreciated.
Flip a coin. Mossberg Patriots have about a 50% chance of being an accurate rifle. My experience and friends experiences with about a dozen.
I made my wife handle every small/light rifle we could get our hands on, and the one she picked as "the one" was a mossberg 6.5 youth model (even with me trying to push her towards the Weatherby Camilla or a kimber).

She's pretty notorious for hitting bullseye's and hearts with that thing. Hopefully you get a shooter.