Politicians Vs. wildlife biologists (several who I have hunted with much of my adult life)... I'll take the biologists.
I remember 20 years back in NM when everyone was bitchin' about wolves and cattle/elk mortality and the science finally came back: black bears were proven to kill WAY more elk calves (and cattle) after a long-term study (that took almost a decade to finish).
I'm a 7th generation cattle, sheep, and Angora goat rancher (retired) and I 100% approve of killing ANY predator eating my stock when I see it happening (including Mexican eagles that devastated our sheep in NM and West Texas on SOME years). BUT, making it illegal for me to protect my animals during those PEAK years is THE problem. On the other hand, giving me the political "go ahead" to wipe out a species (that provides balance during normal years) is not the way to do it either.
Kansas (where I live now) has a coyote problem because there are no wolves to keep them in check and many species of upland birds (and rabbits, etc.) are no longer here-- but I can hear coyotes EVERY night- just wish I had more time to help "cull" the herd
The BEST way to reduce coyotes (or wolves) is put the bounty on them (like we did for years via the pelt market- paying $ for hides). Feds support markets with subsidies and so if we could get the biologists working REAL-TIME (in each state) with PRO-ACTIVE programs-- that would work for BOTH land-owners and hunters (and we've done it before, with success). But get the politicians OUT of it and GET the science caught-up to real-time management and we won't be "sitting in meetings" but instead cleaning house WHEN we need to; then letting nature do it's thing after getting things back in balance.
Ya... I also argue with those same biologists hunting buddies about process and it's a damn shame how the bureaucracy (and politics effecting it) stops us from solving problems we used to with simple, easy to find talent like the excellent state government trappers that kept coyotes OUT of SE NM for about 50 years- using traps and long-range rifles... it worked. Then, we "fixed" it and now that talent is gone BUT could come back if we give science based (but real-time) "range management" a chance (again).
I'm not suggesting breaking the law, but changing it to let those most talented fix these problems RIGHT NOW (and with JUST what's needed). There are plenty of public and private resources ready to go to effect this change- but getting politicians OUT and science IN (with programs for both PRIVATE and PUBLIC hunters) is the right way given fed, state, and regional agencies can all agree on the objective.