Wolf lovers critique of Budweiser Super Bowl Commercial

Who buys more Beer?? Bitches like that or rednecks like me!
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Nice pics Ryan. And yes, they need to be managed intensely. Year-round hunting with no limit and year-round trapping would help a bunch too.
"wolves are a virtually non-existent threat to our furry canine friends"

Apparently they haven't seen the numerous pictures of peoples hounds torn to shreds, in every state that has wolves.
Just an FYI the pics are not of me but some friends of mine. I just get tired of people that are usually not in the area effected saying how shit should be ran. It's the same people that say, If we would only listen/talk to the Islamic terrorists, we could work this out.......... TOTAL ASS CLOWNS!

OK rant over I am done.
Great pics of the wolves guys! If I ever run into y'all, I'll buy ya a beer!!!

Whenever my Grandpa would hear somebody say "it takes all kinds to make the world go-round" he'd say "Horse$#it!! But they're here anyways!"
This was my favorite quote for the replies on that site, "Lost dog ad was good. The wolf going after him was unrealistic. Wolves are in the same breed as dogs they don't attack or eat each other." I was going to point out the many flaws in this statement but on second thought I'm pretty sure this stupidity stands on it's own merit.
Wonder where the only place is you'll never find a coyote? Wolf territory - ??

Not entirely correct. Where my wife is trapping they are picking up wolves and coyotes. I imagine the coyotes sleep with one eye open tho... :)
