Wolf Depredation In Grand County, CO

Front R'ers tend to view wildlife through a human perspective; that somehow wolf are sentient beings capable of rational decision making instead of "fresh meat now".

They only kill weak and old of the herd was a lie. They are for ecosystem health was a lie. They improve herd health was a lie.

All lies parroted by the ignorant that don't read actual studies and follow "Trust the Science (TM)"

I don't think Front Rangers is the correct term. There are plenty of people that live in the Front Range that are hunters and know what the deal is. There are also people that live in the Western Slope that voted for wolves and would fit your description.
Front R'ers tend to view wildlife through a human perspective; that somehow wolf are sentient beings capable of rational decision making instead of "fresh meat now".

They only kill weak and old of the herd was a lie. They are for ecosystem health was a lie. They improve herd health was a lie.

All lies parroted by the ignorant that don't read actual studies and follow "Trust the Science (TM)"

As close as the vote was, it could be said the Mtn & West Slope Community pushed the vote in favor on the reintroduction

wolf vote.JPG
Ballot initiatives like the wolf one should require a much higher % of yes votes to pass. When it is almost 50/50, that's not much of a public mandate to reintroduce wolves. Or perhaps they should do county wide votes, and each county gets one vote for yes or no based on the majority in that county. That way, one population center can't dictate how the state is run, when 75% of the rest of the state is against it. I kind of think that's how our national elections should go. Each state gets one vote for president.
Ballot initiatives like the wolf one should require a much higher % of yes votes to pass. When it is almost 50/50, that's not much of a public mandate to reintroduce wolves. Or perhaps they should do county wide votes, and each county gets one vote for yes or no based on the majority in that county. That way, one population center can't dictate how the state is run, when 75% of the rest of the state is against it. I kind of think that's how our national elections should go. Each state gets one vote for president.

Yeah, I would like to see ballot initiatives need a super majority of some sort. Lets make it a requirement for all legislation to require a supermajority as well while we are at it.
Ballot initiatives? The rest of the country just remembers one libtard state accepting wolves from another libtard state, OR.
I don't think Front Rangers is the correct term. There are plenty of people that live in the Front Range that are hunters and know what the deal is. There are also people that live in the Western Slope that voted for wolves and would fit your description.
Yes for sure, but if I was to generalize...
Anyone have that scene from “Full Metal Jacket” in their head! ”You eat it, they’re paying for it”

Holy Jesus……….what is that…. What the “F” is that??? What is that CPW??? Sir an introduced wolf sir……An introduced wolf?? Sir yes sir!! How did it get here?? Sir we got them Washington State Sir!! Are wolves aloud on the CO landscape CPW?? Sir no sir!! Are you allowed to just dump them wherever you please?? Sir no sir!! Who pays the CPWs bill CPW??? Sir I forgot sir…..you forgot ??? Sir yes sir!! How about people dressed in orange that spend millions each year…..Sir yes sir!! And why aren’t we able to shoot them CPW? Because we’re an overinflated, animal rights infiltrated run agency sir…… Because you are a disgusting overinflated woke fatbody agency CPW….Sir yes sir!! And why did the CPW hide the locations of the release sites??? Sir I don’t know sir!! Because you don’t know………..

The CPW has dishonored themselves, and the public…..I’ve have tried to help them, but I have failed, I have failed because you….have not helped me…..you people have not given the CPW the proper motivation…..so… from now on, when ever a wolf fucs up, and eats a calf……I will not punish the CPW, I will punish the wolf…….and the way I see it ladies….you owe me for one calf…….now get behind those rifles……...either way, we’re paying for it….. just shoot it!
CPW was mandated by Prop 114 to introduce wolves. How about you get pissed off at the 1,590,299 idiots that voted yes instead of the people that are just doing their job and got this shit sandwich forced upon them? A lot of them probably voted no on 114.

P.S. I think the “.” button on your keyboard is stuck.
CPW was mandated by Prop 114 to introduce wolves. How about you get pissed off at the 1,590,299 idiots that voted yes instead of the people that are just doing their job and got this shit sandwich forced upon them? A lot of them probably voted no on 114.

P.S. I think the “.” button on your keyboard is stuck.
Nah. Just tired of ignorant people losing their shit over the wolves and thinking CPW created this problem. They’re most likely the same people that didn’t do anything to fight 114 back when it was a ballot initiative. We are now battling the mtn lion hunting ballot measure. What are you doing to help fight it? Probably nothing.
Nah. Just tired of ignorant people losing their shit over the wolves and thinking CPW created this problem. They’re most likely the same people that didn’t do anything to fight 114 back when it was a ballot initiative. We are now battling the mtn lion hunting ballot measure. What are you doing to help fight it? Probably nothing.
Im a resident and well aware of the current culture in CO.
Im a resident and well aware of the current culture in CO.
Being “aware” and going off the deep end on this forum isn’t enough. Donating to CRWM and getting involved would be more helpful.

There are a lot of differing opinions and views: ranchers, animal advocates, conservationist, hunters, residents, non residents, biologists, and others. I think it is healthy to debate the issues and to consider differing viewpoints. Here is a recent article for a different perspective - https://coloradosun.com/2024/03/20/opinion-colorado-wildlife-commission-resign/
The problem is there is only one perspective in Co. the uni-party way. The “others” can kick or scream all we want, but with complete legislative chokehold, they do whatever they please with no repercussions.